(315) 265-3199
Potsdam Humane Society (PHS) strives to be a no-kill shelter where every healthy, adoptable animal taken in will be able to find a home.
- Bangor Animal Shelter: 518-651-1376
- Friends 4 Pound Paws: 315-842-7297
- Friendly Farm Animal Rescue & Sanctuary: 516-647-1236
- Gracious Friends Animal Sanctuary: 315-578-2997
- Jefferson County SPCA: 315-782-3260
- Kitten Pause: 315-250-1202
- Malone Animal Shelter: 518-483-8079
- Massena Humane Society: 315-764-1330
- Potsdam Humane Society: 315-265-3199
- St. Lawrence County SPCA: 315-393-5191
- St. Regis Falls Cat Palace: 518-483-8189
- Tri-Lakes Humane Society: 518-891-0017