Report to the Board of Directors July 2013

Report to Board of Directors July 16, 2013

Summary of Animal Stats

Live Release Rate June 15-July 12 2013 : 92%


Dogs-10 Puppies-0 Cats-7 Kittens-25

Animals Currently housed in shelter for months or more :

Cats: “Julius” 7/20/12, “Skitz” 7/26/12, “Licorice” 8/3/12, “Kim” 10/4/12, “Katie” 11/15/12

Dogs: “Barron” 4/6/12, “Abby” 5/29/12, “Tequila” 11/13/12, “Cinder” 1/15/13


Animals Currently Housed:

52- Dogs 2-Ferrets

139- Cats 2-Rabbits

1-Guinea Pig



Dr. Gordon surgeries 63 (PHS) 10 (SNIP)

Dr. Theodore surgeries 3 (PHS) and tail amputation on Barron



Tractor Supply (Chuck Lamica, manager donated brand new push mower).

Alysia will be returning to work on July 23, 2013.

George Rose has taken a part-time position at The Hop. He will be working Sunday-Wednesday for us.

Regina would like to talk about adoptable animals. What is considered as an adoptable animal?

Matt replaced 2 GFI outlets for us. One in Intake Kennels and one in Adoptable Kennels.

Fred came in and replaced water valve on line between Nursery and Display Runs, and put door sweep on Feed Room door.

John Fries/ VanEss Elecric has ordered 2 new fans to replace broken ones in Cat Admissions and Dog Iso at a cost of roughly $80.00 each.

Matt donated a large roll of plastic coated wire to replace on guillotine doors. Wire value was about $40.00 for role on internet. Many are wearing out and breaking.

AC/Heating unit in Cat admissions is not working properly.

Still having an issue with water running back into Dog Adoption Kennels 2 & 3 from rain. Runs into inside kennels and under the wall.

Lyndsey Johnson is coming in doing an internship from the YCC Stem Project.

We have a new student starting Monday July 15th working 4-5 days a week from the Summer Youth Opportunities One Stop Career Center.

We have 3 people doing their community service hours with us.

The dog intake and dog adoption kennels are full and many are doubled. Leaving only room for ACO/DCO to put dogs in the metal dog crates.

We have a dog house and wishing well that the Occupational Ed Class from Seaway Tech made and donated that could be raffled off at one of the upcoming events. They are both out on side of adoption area.

Terry McKendree the Chain Saw carver would like to carve a sign for us. It would be six feet long.


Program Development:

SNIP is back up and running with more surgeries taking place. Applications ar coming in a regular basis. Quite a few dog applications coming in right now.


Public Outreach:

Coakley’s event went very well bringing in over $400 in donations. Bill Coakley spoke to Bonnie B. and would like to do it again sometime.

Tractor Supply will be holding their big adoption event on August 17th. We will need volunteers to help out with that. We are also holding a Microchip clinic that day there from 3-4 pm. Clarkson University has called and asked us if we would like to set up a table to recruit volunteers. We need to get more info from them. This will take place in Aug. and will need help if we do it.

Volunteer hours logged : 224 hours.

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