Staff: Stacie Purvis has resigned. Her position has been filled by Elizabeth Azar.
Austin Garvin has been hired as a temporary ACO for the town of Potsdam. He will cover weekday calls as needed until early spring.
Employee Performance Evaluations for 2010 have been completed and a report has been sent to the Personnel/OPs Committee.
NYS Dog Licensing: As of January 1, 2011 we will no longer be licensing dogs at the shelter. We will, however, send regular reports to townships in order to inform them of the dogs that have been reclaimed or adopted by residents of their areas. Adopters & dog owners reclaiming animals will be provided with oral & written instructions pertinent to the revised dog licensing requirements.
Wellness exam agreements & Veterinary RFP’s have been sent out to all area Vets. I have asked they complete the forms & return them to PHS by November 22, 2010. To date, 2 DR. Mike Smith & Dr.Cynthia Swingle have returned Wellness exam agreements.