Shelter Report to Board of Directors March 2010
Drug Enforcement Agency Update: Alysia Wells has received her euthanasia certificate. I am now the DEA Agent of record. There was no additional cost to remove Ruth Huckle.
Petpoint Database: We are in the setup & training phase with Petpoint. By the end of March we expect to be using Petpoint for all new adoptions and copying a year’s worth of data from Filemaker into the petpoint system. All data from Filemaker will be saved.
Microchip Service: Once we get up and running with petpoint, we will be offering micro chipping for a fee to interested members of the public.
Key Bank-Winthrop: Is collecting cash donations to support our cause.
ACO Training & Evaluations: New DCOs employed by contracted towns and ACOs employed by PHS will meet on 3/9/2010 for a training session related to paperwork requirements. PHS ACOs will also receive copies of their performance evaluations.
NY State Dog Licensing System: There is a good possibility there will be changes to the dog licensing system in 2011. If this passes, NY will no longer maintain a statewide database and all dog licenses will be issued either by individual townships or by the counties. The funding for spay/neuter will be abolished. The NY State Animal Protection Federation is staying abreast of this situation. We have considered the following actions: 1) Lobbying for a change in law that would release shelters from the current requirement of licensing dogs. 2) The establishment of a non-profit that would maintain a statewide database and collect spay/neuter contributions from town/county licensing fees.
Town Contracts: All 10 town contracts have been signed and are on file. Those who pay yearly have done so and those who pay monthly are up to date.Two contract issues to address for next year are the potential for added fees felines and rewording the policy on bite quarantines & dangerous dogs.