Report to Board of Directors- March 2014

Report to Board of Directors- March 2014

Summary of Animal Stats

Live Release Rate for February 2014- 96.97%


Dogs/Puppies: 37

Cats/Kittens: 20

Animals Currently Housed in the Shelter:

Dogs/Puppies: 48              Ferrets: 2

Cats/Kittens: 153

*The Pig is in a foster to adopt home in Harrisville.

Animals Housed 6 months or more:

Dogs: “Abby” 5/29/2012 (currently in foster to adopt!), “Pumbaa” 5/22/2013, “Buck” 9/21/2013, “Hugo” 8/3/2013, “Bubba Chubba” 3/11/2013, “Montana” 6/6/2013, “Boo Boo” 9/28/2013, “Fusion” 8/9/2013

Cats: “Cinnamon” 9/30/2013, “Neptune” 8/6/2013, “Apple Blossom” 8/19/2013, “Lucy” 6/8/2013, “Kim” 10/4/2012, “Jimmy” 6/15/2013, “Jack” 8/22/2013, “Panda” 9/10/2013, “Emma” 7/10/2013, “Tigger” 6/22/2013, “Mrs. Bixby” 9/26/2013, “Tippy” 5/14/2013, “Katie” 9/15/212 (adoption pending!)

Spay & Neuter

Dr. Gordon surgeries:      PHS- 32                     Clinic- 27

Dr. Theodore surgeries:   PHS- 6                       Clinic- 5


Nothing to report at this time.

There was an issue concerning Potsdam ACO’s with an animal cruelty case and they were disappointed with the Sheriff’s department. We are meeting with Sheriff Kevin Wells sometime next week to iron out some issues.

Town Contracts

We have all signed contracts. We should be receiving the Town of Brasher and Town of Norfolk’s payment by early next week.


The sale is helping to adopt cats as we have adopted 17 to date for the month of March.

We have had some space in the intake kennel area, after contacting contracted towns for owner surrenders. We have taken in two dogs from coalition partner, “Friends 4 Pound Paws” in Gouverneur. This group has also shown interest in bringing their rescues to PHS to have them spayed and neutered like the Massena Shelter did. We will charge Massena surgery prices.

Project S.N.I.P. has been doing very well. Applications continue to pour in and PHS is steadily getting them done.

I have finished the PHS SOP’s and you will find an updated copy attached for your review. The forms section includes: adoption application, adoption contract, foster application, foster contract, volunteer application, ASPCA behavior testing materials, DL-18 and notification of seizure, stray form, owner surrender forms. I also added the SLC Cart Plan.

I am still working with Regina, Jess, and Doc on the proposal for low cost veterinary services for the Board’s review.

The animals in the C. Hall animal cruelty case have been surrendered to the Potsdam Humane Society. Ms. Hall took the plea agreement, surrendered the animals to PHS and is on 1 year probation in which she cannot own an animal.

The “Hope & Justice” animal cruelty case has been delayed to March 27th. The judge made it clear that things will be settled on that date and not pushed back any further.


Main Street Chocolates in Potsdam have set up a continuous fundraiser for PHS. Owners Jen and Jason have created a menu (which will change so customers can purchase a variety of items), they are selling 8oz boxes of chocolate products for $10.00. From every box sold, PHS gets $2.00. There will be a pickup of orders every two weeks. The first pickup is March 17th and then on the 31st. We have an order form here at the shelter and then also for volunteers who would like to sell it. Payment is due upon ordering.

February “Paws for a Cause” currently has raised $669.00. There are still some businesses selling the paws for the month of March.

Plans for the 5th Annual “Strut Your Mutt” are in progress and advertising will start very soon. The event will be held at the Pine Street Arena. There will be the 5k dog walk, craft show, food truck, DJ/entertainment, face painting, and a kickball tournament. Breezy Maple Farms (they have been at Tractor Supply Events- and they adopted from us) will be participating with pony rides and bringing some farm animals for children. They will be charging $4.00/ride and will be donating $1.00 back to the shelter. (They have their own insurance).

We are waiting to hear back – as one of the Classic Car Clubs may be attending as well.

Since the event is going to be even larger, I was wondering if it would be possible to be closed to the public that day. Last year we had volunteers walk shelter dogs and we can have them down at the arena to show them off.

An anonymous donor plans on donating his 2013 F150 truck (with 13k miles) to PHS to raffle off. The donor is getting it detailed this weekend and calling me back on Monday. One option I would suggest is selling 3,000 tickets at $10.00/ticket. I think at $10/ticket, people would be more opt to purchase more than one ticket, and it would be very appealing to college students. We could also bring the truck to Strut Your Mutt and sell tickets there- and then possibly do a drawing after Labor Day. These are just my thoughts.

Public Outreach

Today we have the Brasher Elementary School after kids program coming to the shelter for a tour and to make some dog toys. The other half of the group will be coming on March 18th.

March 20th Deb Massell and I will be attending the Potsdam Chamber Networking conference to talk about the shelter and the dog park.

March 27th a Girl Scout Troop is coming for a tour with Bonnie P.

Volunteer Initiatives

We have the Volunteer Pizza Party today for the volunteers (donated by the anonymous donor).

Logged Volunteer Hours: 448 Hours

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