Report to Board of Directors Aug.2012


Regina Caswell came back to work on August 9th.

Jeremiah Sullivan was terminated on July 21st due to insubordination.

Jessica Slapar’s hours have been increased to take on part of Jerimiah’s cleaning duties and Jillian Varvas was hired on July 23rd to pick up the rest

Brittany Fullerton and Travis Stephenson, participants in the St. Lawrence County Summer Youth Employment Progam, working as kennel assistants, are finishing up the last week of the program which will be completed on August 17.

Vet Techs would like to know if PHS will pay for their license renewals. The cost is $137.00/3yrs.


Contractor Bids for Kennel repair and FRP in the intake wing:

Mr. Grant Contractor Inc.: Kennel Repair- $5,257.00, Intake Area- $ 4,998.00

Continental Construction, LLC: Kennel Repair-$5,809.00, Intake area- $4,899.00

Security: A new Honeywell Security System was installed from NCC Systems. There is now alarm sensors on all exterior doors, except for the feed room and the adoption kennel play yard door.

Town Contracts: The 2013 contacts have been sent out.

Colton has unanimously decided to pay the contract.

Hermon has signed contracts with us for the remainder of 2012 and for 2013

Pierrepont is leaning toward not contracting with us in 2013. Their plans are to partner with the town of Clare, build their own “pound” and have asked for a scaled down contract agreement with PHS that would deal with dangerous dogs, bite quarantines and any animals they may not be able to house due to lack of space. They also asked if we would be wiling to euthanize for them and I told them that would only be possible with a statement from a veterinarian indicting the euthanazia was necessary to alleviate suffering.

Generator Grant Project: Jim Kiernan has been contacted and asked to submit information on the cost of a new generator and installation. Paperwork requesting an extension on the project completion has been submitted to the Department o State.

Spay/Neuter Canister Checking: An account at SeaComm Federal Credit Union has been opened for the Canister Fund.

Community Involvement: On August 10th, the BOCES Summer School 2nd graders visited the shelter for a tour and donations.

PR: An ad sales rep from the Courier Observer is trying to commit sponsors for a free quarter page ad to publicize PHS adoptable animals. This ad will run once a month.

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