Summary of Animal Stats: Live Release Rate March 2013: 94.25%
Animals Currently Housed in Shelter 6 months or more:
Dogs: Baron Von Willie 4/6/12, Abby 5/29/12, Lucky Larry 8/6/12
Cats: Julius 7/20/12, Skitz 7/26/12, Licorice 8/3/12, Rori 9/10/12
Cleaning staff have asked to have an exterior hose bib installed on the intake side of the building facing the town barns.
The ISO machine in the surgery needs to be vented to the outside in order to prevent carbon monoxide and traces of anesthesia from leaking into the surgery room.
The door closure for the door between the intake and adoption wing was repaired (materials & labor) by a volunteer
The multipurpose room door closest to the boiler room is not closing properly as the building has shifted. to the best of my knowledge 2 volunteers are planning on fixing that when time allows.
Town Contracts: All towns have paid contract fees for 2013 & those making installment payments are current.
Public Outreach:
Natty Bumppo visited with 3 second grade classes at Madrid Waddington CSD on April 11th. Topics covered: Responsible pet ownership, what happens when an animal comes into the shelter, volunteering at a shelter and Natty’s Job at PHS.
St. Lawrence Co. Public Health will be providing us with an educational display for the PHS reception area in an effort to increase rabies awareness.
In conjunction with the St. Lawrence Co. Arts Council we will be hosting artist Mary Holland’s exhibit of animal themed artwork. The pieces will be hung by May 6th and there will be a community “walk about “opening on May 10th. The end date for the exhibit will be determined when I meet with Mary next week. 20% of any sales Mary may generate from this exhibit will be paid to PHS.
Local Scouts: two groups of girl scouts/Brownies will be visiting the shelter in the next 8 weeks to complete service projects.
Andrea Dugan presented a beginning canine behavior lecture on 4/6 and will be presenting a second lecture on April 13th.
Step by Step: An Ogdensburg Non profit drop-in center for adults with mental illness will be joining the ranks of community organization partners. Participants in their program will be attending the next volunteer orientation.
Animal Welfare Coalitions:
Spay/Neuter/Now: We will be hosting the SNN neuter commuter on 4/27
Jefferson Co. SPCA: I have been in touch with Doug Marlow, ED for JCSPCA. Their PetCo adoption center is such a success that their shelter is often less than half full. He is open to forming a coalition with PHS in an effort to increase adoption rates.
Open Business:
Updates to Personnel Policy concerning maternity leave, deaths in family etc…
Approval of Standard Operating Procedures.