Potsdam Humane Society Inc
Profit and Loss
February 2016
4000 Shelter fees 5,053.00
4200 Donations
4201 Admissions donation 40.00
4203 Miscellaneous Donations 2,039.17
4204 Cannisters 694.50
4207 Memorial 595.00
4208 Paypal-One Time (Not Recurring) 160.00
4214 Adoption Sponsorship 95.00
Total 4200 Donations 3,623.67
4400 Fundraising
4403 Holiday Appeal 230.00
4419 Center Plate Fundraising 949.88
4436 Paypal – Recurring 325.00
4442 Pledges 1,040.00
Total 4400 Fundraising 2,544.88
4600 Sales
4605 Shelter Retail Items 139.80
Total 4600 Sales 139.80
4650 Best Friends Thrift Shop
4653 Best Friends Thrift Store Sales 4,297.29
4655 Best Friends Thrift Shop Credit Card Sales 810.29
Total 4650 Best Friends Thrift Shop 5,107.58
4700 Town contracts
4705 Friends for Pound Paws 1,800.00
4707 Town of Fine 1,800.00
4712 Norfolk 8,537.00
4714 Parishville 3,705.00
4718 Potsdam 5,083.33
4720 Stockholm 516.25
Total 4700 Town contracts 21,441.58
4970 Interest income 1.91
4999 Over/Short Shelter Deposit 10.79
Total Income $37,923.21
GROSS PROFIT $37,923.21
5000 Animal-related
5001 Adoption Ads 58.00
5003 Food 256.34
5007 Refund 100.00
5008 Medical Supplies & Equipment 2,799.13
5010 Medical Waste 40.50
5013 Veterinarian fees 1,195.00
Total 5000 Animal-related 4,448.97
5030 Banking Expenses
5032 Credit card transaction fees 151.99
Total 5030 Banking Expenses 151.99
5042 Best Friends Thirft Stores Expenses
5045 Best Friends Thrift Store Trash Removal 45.00
5046 Best Friends Thrift Store Building Rent 1,100.00
5047 Best Friends Credit Card Transaction Fees 23.25
5048 Best Friends Thrift Store Supplies and Repairs 40.95
Total 5042 Best Friends Thirft Stores Expenses 1,209.20
5070 Building Operations & Maint.
5071 Cleaning supplies 208.09
5072 Repairs & Supplies 53.94
5076 Electricity 878.95
5077 Gas 378.03
5079 Water 712.99
5080 Waste removal 247.00
Total 5070 Building Operations & Maint. 2,479.00
5100 Computer Technology
5101 Internet/Telephone 123.78
Total 5100 Computer Technology 123.78
5125 Employee
5130 Wages 12,110.44
5131 FICA Expense 990.99
5132 Unemployment insurance 414.52
5151 ACO – Mileage 388.68
5152 ACO – Wages 843.75
Total 5125 Employee 14,748.38
5170 Fundraising Expenses
5181 Shelter resale items 191.10
5193 Paypal Transaction Charge 37.56
Total 5170 Fundraising Expenses 228.66
5223 Insurance
5224 Bonding 25.00
Total 5223 Insurance 25.00
5235 Interest Expense – Mortgage 1,248.90
5250 Office Expenses
5252 Supplies 10.84
5253 Postal Services
5256 Postage 77.04
Total 5253 Postal Services 77.04
5254 Contractal Copier 163.02
5260 QuickBooks Charge 75.49
Total 5250 Office Expenses 326.39
5300 Professional Services & Fees
5305 Bookkeeper 600.00
Total 5300 Professional Services & Fees 600.00
Total Expenses $25,590.27
NET INCOME $12,332.94
Cash basis
Fri, Mar 11