PR Committee meeting minutes – Sept 2, 2010

PR Meeting – Lancaster’s – 9/02/10

1.  PR for dog training seminar to be held in Oct.
2.  Cards for mailing
3.  Ongoing PR
4.  PR for fund raisers
5.  Website

1.  Anne will send info. re: dog training seminar to John who will compose an article
2.  Julian’s Event – copy shop will copy letters – John and Lucille will fold, stuff and address and send out.
3.  A Ground Breaking Ceremony might be a good PR event. When? John will contact Carrie re: possible dates.
4.  Rob will add to the website that volunteers are wanted for fund raising/raisers.
5.  Discussion on an ongoing “Pat on the Back” section on the website for people/organizations who have supported PHS, e.g.Agway, Maresca’s, etc. A public way to say ”thank you”.

NEXT MEETING:  10/7/10 – 10:30 – Lancaster’s

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