1. “Happy Tails” article one or two times a month – Lucille?
2. John’s report
3. North Country Pet Care Guide – PHS ad
4. Twitter – updates on web
1. Update on Ladybug’s foster care – Lucille will call Sue Sheridan for an update for an article
2. John’s Report – John will have a meeting w/Bonnie B. on 2/12 at 10AM at Scoops. They will discuss Bonnie’s interaction w/PR Comm. and how to move forward.
3. PHS will put an ad in the North Country Pet Care Guide at a cost of $75.00. John will compose the ad. Feb. 18 is the deadline. Try to focus on pet adoptions. John will call contact the person in charge of this. This guide will come out on the following dates:
WTDT – 2/23
Mountaineer 2/24
Penny Saver 2/25
4. Homepage update – Rob redesigned the homepage: will have a Twitter account and link to PHS Facebook page.
Next meeting – 3/3/11 – Jernabi’s