PR Committee meeting minutes – August 21, 2012

PR MEETING – August 21, 2012

Present: Kay Deperno, Tony Beane, Rob Jewett, Lucille Waterson

Discussion centered around the following:

1. Revisit progress on PSA’s (Public Service Announcements)

2. Emphasize our 2 pronged approach to PR:
a. Promote events
b. Pet tips from area vets
Tony heard from a veterinarian from the Canton Animal Clinic who volunteered to write articles.
3. We are aiming for one article per month and will ask NCTW if we can have a dedicated space once per month.

Will there be a cost?

The following suggested titles were put forth for 13 months:

Sept. – Best Friends
Oct. – Parvo
Nov. – Pets for gifts (or not)
Dec. – Holiday safety for pets

Jan. – Grieving for your pet
Feb. – Grieving ?
March – Lyme disease
April – Heartworm/ticks
May – Summertime safety
June – Toxic plants
July – Seasonal allergies
Aug. – Vehicular/etc. mishaps
Sept. – Behavior issues
Oct. – Grieving for your pets

4. Need an article for Crusin’ for Critters, rescheduled from June to Sept. 8

Meeting ended after one hour.

Respecftully submitted,
Lucille Waterson

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