PR Committee meeting minutes – Apr 7, 2011

PR Meeting Agenda – 4/7/11 – Lancaster’s


1. Website wish list

2. Review John’s mtg. with Bonnie Boyd

3. Walk-A-Thon

4. Art Show Blurb

5. Hat Day Photo at Banford Elementary

6. Review definition/duties of the PR Committee

7. Best Western Events



1. PHS Wish List

PHS has three sites on the Internet – Facebook, Twitter and the PHS website.

The shelter’s Wish List will be placed on the PHS website’s homepage photo carousel.


2. John’s meeting with Bonnie

PR needs some more members – non-board or board members. Rob suggested that perhaps the Finance Comm. needed more members rather than the PR     Comm.

We need more ways to get the message our that we need more money for operating funds, etc.

We need more monthly pledges to create a continual revenue stream. September is the target month for a fund drive. PR Comm. will get the word out re: this.

Shelter Grand Opening Kick Off – October?

We need a monthly or bi-monthly column in NCTW re: shelter news, etc. John will write this.

Bonnie B. is the primary contact for the newspapers.


3. The Walk-A-Thon is planned for May 7. Info will be posted by Rob on the PHS website.


4. The Bow-Wow, Meow-Meow Art Show will be advertised on the PHS website.


5. Hat Day Photo at Banford Elementary is on the PHS website. The students raised over $300. Bumpo made a guest appearance and was swarmed by the children, Anne reports.  Good PR for Pit Bulls.


6. Revisited the definition and duties of the PR Committee from the meeting notes of 5/11/10.  Regarding PSA’s, Anne will work on the content of PSA’s. The Committee will continue working on refining definition and duties of the PR Comm.


7. Best Western Events – Bonnie will handle this, PR Comm, will do advertising. Dinner Theater dates are to be decided.



Meeting was adjourned at 12 noon. Next meeting will be on 5/5/11 at Lancaster%27s at 10:30AM.


Respectfully submitted,

Lucille Waterson



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