PHS Personnel Policy (Rev. January 2014)


Potsdam Humane Society

Personnel Policy




Updated: January 21, 21014

Table of Contents

Section 1 – Introduction

Section 2 – Compensation Policies

Section 3 – Employee Benefits

Section 4 – Whistle Blower Policy


A.        Welcome to the Potsdam Humane Society

An interesting and challenging experience awaits you as an employee of the Potsdam Humane Society (PHS).  To answer some of the questions you may have concerning the PHS and its policies, we have written this Personnel Policies Manual.  Its purpose is to establish guidelines for fair, consistent and legal treatment of our employees.  Please read it thoroughly and retain it for future reference.  The policies stated in this Manual are subject to change at the sole discretion of the Potsdam Humane Society’s Board of Directors and supersede any prior written or unwritten policies.  They may also be modified as deemed necessary to accommodate individual employment circumstances.  From time to time, you may receive updated information concerning changes in the policy.  Should you have any questions regarding any policies, please ask your supervisor.


The purpose of this Personnel Policy Manual is to provide a general guide to the Potsdam Humane Society’s policies, programs, and benefits.  As with all Potsdam Humane Society communications, this Manual is provided to employees for their general information.  This Manual does not include all the information employees will need during the course of their employment; therefore, employees are encouraged to contact their supervisor for additional information when necessary, and to review other Potsdam Humane Society policies and procedures as applicable, including the Shelter’s Operations Protocols.


1)         EMPLOYEES

  1. a. Regular/Full Time: Any employee who is regularly scheduled to work 30 hours or more per week. Regular employees are eligible for the benefits detailed by Section 2.


b. Temporary: Any employee who is hired for a special project or period of time and works fewer than 12 months and less than 2,000 hours, in any fiscal year.  Temporary employees are not eligible for benefits. Temporary employees receive workers’ compensation and disability coverage as mandated by law.

c.    Workers provided by a third party contractor, or a consultant who is retained as an independent contractor by the Potsdam Humane Society, are not covered under these Personnel Policies.


  • Newly hired employees will have a 180 calendar day probationary period.  The orientation period provides both the employee and the employer an opportunity to get to know one another.  At the end of the period, the employee will receive a review by his/her supervisor.

  • Successful completion of the orientation period should not be construed as creating a contract guaranteeing any special privileges.

3.         BASIC WORK WEEK

a.      Each work week begins Friday and ends Thursday at midnight, and is considered individually.  Work schedules are as established by management.  Standard work days may be changed from time to time by management to meet changing operating requirements.

4.         BASE SALARY

a.      Base salary is compensation regularly paid to each employee as remuneration for work performed. Base salary does not include overtime pay.


a. Exempt – Exempt employees include executive, administrative, and professional employees who are salaried and whose duties meet the work test for the white collar exemptions under the Fair Labor Standards Act and regulations.  Exempt employees will not be eligible for, or receive overtime compensation for hours worked in excess of 40 in any workweek.

The following list of positions are considered exempt:

  • Executive Director

b. NonExempt Nonexempt employees, which includes all nonsalaried workers and employees who do not meet one of the tests for exemption under the Fair Labor Standards Act and regulations, who work more than 40 hours in any workweek will receive compensation at the rate of 1 and 1/2 times the average straight-time rate for hours in excess of 40.

The following list of positions are considered non-exempt:

  • Animal Control Officer
  • Vet Technician
  • Office Manager
  • Cleaner

c.      Solely for overtime pay purposes, hours worked include designated holidays, vacation and sick leave hours.

Employees will be informed of their status at the time of hire and when a change occurs due to a promotion or transfer.



All positions have a written job description.  Employees receive a copy of their job description at the time of hire and when a change occurs due to a promotion or transfer.


a.         Newly hired employees will start at a rate commensurate with their job function and experience.

b.         Salaries and wages will be reviewed annually by the Board of Directors and made consistent with the fiscal year.


To ensure that you perform your job to the best of your abilities, it is important that you be recognized for good performance and that you receive appropriate suggestions for improvement when necessary.  Consistent with this goal, your performance will be evaluated by your supervisor on an ongoing basis.  You will also receive periodic written evaluations of your performance.  Such evaluations will normally occur at the completion of the Probationary Period, and annually thereafter in October.

All written performance reviews will be based on your overall performance in relation to your job responsibilities and will also take into account your conduct, demeanor, and record of attendance.

In addition to the regular performance evaluations described above, special written performance evaluations may be conducted by your supervisor at any time to advise you of the existence of performance or disciplinary problems.

Completed performance review forms will be maintained in a confidential employee file.

9.         RAISES

The Potsdam Humane Society determines the amount of money that will be available for employee raises on an annual basis. Since the PHS is a non-profit, and dependent on public donations to operate the Shelter, some years raises may not be possible.


If the Board of Directors approves employee raises, then on the first pay period on or after the beginning of the fiscal year (i.e., January 1st), eligible employees may receive a pay adjustment.  To be eligible for a raise, the following conditions must be met:

a.       The employee must have worked for six (6) months.

b.       The employee must have a satisfactory performance appraisal for the current rating period.

c.       The employee’s supervisor must recommend the employee for such adjustment.  Individual performance is the key criterion in determining increases in an employee’s pay.


Employee salary advances are not permitted.


a.       The PHS complies with employee wage garnishment and levy notices.

b.       The employee’s employment position is not jeopardized as a result of a garnishment or levy.


1.         VACATIONS

1.       The Potsdam Humane Society provides annual paid vacation to full-time employees for the purpose of rest, recreation, and change in environment.  Vacations are administered and scheduled on a fiscal year basis to meet the requirements of the Potsdam Humane Society and, whenever possible, the convenience of the employee.

2.       Vacations are scheduled with consideration of other employees’ requests. If a conflict in scheduling occurs, the employee with the longest continuous service has first choice.

3.       Vacation accrual is based upon hire date and length of service; accrual begins on the hire date.

4.       Eligible employees accrue vacation at the following rates:

a. Hire date through one (1) year of service – accrual rate 3.33 hours per month for employees that work a standard 40 hour workweek. Equivalent to one (1) workweek per year.

b.       One year (1) of service through five (5) years of service – accrual rate 6.66 hours per month for employees that work a standard 40 hour workweek. Equivalent to two (2) workweeks per year.

c.       Greater than five (5) years of service – accrual rate of 10 hours per month for employees that work a standard 40 hour workweek.  Equivalent to three (3) workweeks per year.


5.      Employees who have completed their 6 month orientation period may use any paid vacation time they have accrued.

6.       Employees are not permitted to take paid vacation in excess of hours accrued.

7.       Eligible employees will be paid at the then effective rate for any unused accrued vacation upon resignation, retirement, death, or other termination of employment.

9.       Accrued vacation paid upon termination may not be used to extend length of service beyond the last day worked.

10.     Employees who are on vacation when the Potsdam Humane Society is forced to close during any part of a regularly scheduled business day will have their vacation time credited with the appropriate number of hours that the Potsdam Humane Society was closed.

11.    Employees may accumulate unused vacation up to a maximum of one and one half times (1 and 1/2) the annual entitlement at year-end as long as all other provisions of the vacation policy are met.

2.         PERSONAL TIME

  • Full-time employees will receive three (3) personal days per year.  Personal time is available to employees after their probationary period has ended.
  • Personal time is awarded on the first of the year or the end of the employee’s probationary period, whichever occurs latter.
  • Unused personal days do not carry over from year to year.

3.         SICK TIME

  • Full-time employees will receive five (5) sick days per year. Sick time is available to employees after their probationary period has ended.
  • Sick time is awarded on the first of the year or the end of the employee’s probationary period, whichever occurs latter.
  • Unused sick days do not carry over from year to year.

4.         HOLIDAYS

Full time employees will be paid for the following Holidays each year if they fall on a normal work day (i.e., Monday – Saturday):  New Years, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas.

5.         BEREAVEMENT

Full time employees will be paid for bereavement leave as follows.  If a death occurs in an employee’s or their spouse’s immediate family, defined as mother, father, legal guardian, brother, sister, grandparent, spouse, child, or stepchild the employee may be granted bereavement leave with pay for up to three (3) days.


Employees will be entitled to disability leave for maternity in accordance with the requirements of the State of New York.



If any employee reasonably believes that some policy, practice, or activity of The Potsdam Humane Society, Inc. is in violation of law, a written complaint must be filed by that employee with the Executive Director or Board President.

It is the intent of The Potsdam Humane Society, Inc. to adhere to all laws and regulations that apply to the organization and the underlying purpose of this policy is to support the organization’s goal of legal compliance.  The support of all employees is necessary to achieving compliance with various laws and regulations.  An employee is protected from retaliation only if the employee brings the alleged unlawful activity, policy, or practice to the attention of The Potsdam Humane Society, Inc. and provides the Potsdam Humane Society, Inc. with a reasonable opportunity to investigate and correct the alleged unlawful activity.  The protection described below is only available to employees that comply with this requirement.

The Potsdam Humane Society Inc. will not retaliate against an employee who in good faith, has made a protest or raised a complaint against some practice of The Potsdam Humane Society, Inc., or of another individual or entity with whom The Potsdam Humane Society, Inc. has a business relationship, on the basis of a reasonable belief that the practice is in violation of law, or a clear mandate of public policy.

The Potsdam Humane Society, Inc. will not retaliate against employees who disclose or threaten to disclose to a supervisor or a public body, any activity, policy or practice of The Potsdam Humane Society, Inc. that the employee reasonably believes is in violation of a law, or a rule, or regulation mandated pursuant to law or is in violation of a clear mandate of public policy concerning the health, safety, welfare, or protection of the environment.



Description of Change

Authorized by Board


Document Created

December 2012


Added Vacation Policy

April 2013


Added Whistleblower Policy

January 21, 2014


My signature below indicates my receipt and understanding of this policy.  I also verify that I have been provided with an opportunity to ask questions about the policy.

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Employee Signature                                                   Date

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Is this donation tax-deductible?

Your gift is tax deductible as per your local regulations, as we are a tax exempt organization. We will email you a donation receipt. Please keep this, as it is your official record to claim this donation as a tax deduction.

Can I cancel my recurring donation?

Of course. You always remain in full control of your recurring donation, and you’re free to change or cancel it at any time.