Potsdam Humane Society
Board of Directors Meeting
July 21, 2015 @ 5:30pm
Call to Order: 5:30pm
Board Members Present: Bonnie Boyd, Deb Massell, Betty Wolf, Lucille Waterson, Amber Lindsey, Tim Donahue, Rob Jewett, Irene Hargrave, Suzanne Smith, Ruth Huckle, Karen McAllister, Tony Beane, Debbie Finnegan & Amanda Crump
Board Members Absent: None
Shelter Director: Alysia Maynard
Guests: Matt Anable (Volunteer), FoPHS-Lorry Bass & Tina Flanagan, Best Friends Thrift Shop-Leila Thurston
Meeting Minute Approval: Tim made a motion to approve the June 2015 meeting minutes, Rob second.
Meeting Minute Approval: Rob made a motion to approve the March 2015 meeting minutes, Tim second.
Directors Report:
- Donation numbers were down, but have started to pick up significantly
- Larry’s business is picking up. Last months donation was 732. It will be larger this month.
- We are continuing the cat sale for the remainder of the month and probably into August as well.
- The drains in the shelter and in the groomers have been cleaned out and are now running smoothly.
- The new washers are coming soon. These were being purchased from a previous donation from Weatherlow.
- Live release rate was down due to some sickness of cats.
- We could use some more volunteers to walk dogs to ensure they are getting out once a day to have some physical activity. Alysia will send out an email to our current volunteers to see if we can gage what we have for active volunteers.
Finance Report:
P&L for June:
June 2015 Income 20959.96
June 2015 Expenses 32951.71
- Wages overstated because it takes a cycle to correct when a new employee comes on board
- expenses-returned an adoption fee for $70 for a returned kitten
- BF expenses-overstated for the month because some expenses were paid in June for July
- Unexpected Copier repair
- Vendor summary- BF credit card sales and vendor donations should be under donors
- Revenue is 57.1% and expenses are 57.35% of total budget
- Finance committee met July 9th
- Currently looking for someone to replace Irene for 6-8 hrs per week/$10-$15 per hour
Tony made a motion to approve the Financial Report and Lucille second.
Personnel/Operations: Will meet soon
- Golf Tournament- currently there are 15 teams registered and $5700 in sponsorships
- House Concert- Hilary has the money that was raised. We are still awaiting the details of the profits
- Centerplate Donation: $17,672 total (including other organizations that helped)
- Pet for Vets Car Wash- Norfolk Legion put on the event. We are awaiting details on the profits
- Cash wash at Ponderosa- Amber will follow up with Jeff to see if we will put on this event this year
FoPhs-4th of July Parade Float-won 1st Place
Technology Committee:
- Spoke about putting a tab on the website for FoPHS. Decided to keep the banner and adding them to the link “ways to help”. Also discussed adding the Dog Park to the link “ways to help”.
Other Items:
Dog Park:
- Louis Maine has surveyed the property at no charge. There was a group of girl scout volunteers to mark trees that need to be cut down. Opening date is intended for Fall 2015. Deb attended the Colton Days and Potsdam Festival where Sheika made a few hundred dollars for her tricks. There will also be Jazz Concert fundraiser on August 8th at 2:00pm in Ives Park. Lowes will be back to fix the fence that blew down. They are working on expanding their website. There is also a logo being created. Deb will email the board the designs for the logo before the final decision is made.
Best Friends Thrift Shop:
- Looking into a potential tax break opportunity for the Tile Co. The shop is doing very well and have exceeded sales for the first 6 month of the year by approx. $8,000
Old Business: None
New Business:
Town Contracts:
- Alysia will give the town the options to go with or without a cap. Friends for Pound Paws would like to contract with the PHS for the remainder of the year for 10 dogs/10 cats for $1800. Motion to approve: Betty/Lucille
Board entered Executive Session at 7:15.
Topic of Discussion: Board Development
Included topics:
- Criteria for finding potential leadership
- Discussions with potential members about their skills and talents, and protocol for electing new board members and how to handle red flags.
- Lucille Waterson offered to help put together suggestions to improve the process of electing new board members.
Exited Executive session at 7:45.
Motion to elect Tina Flanagan as a member of the board of trustees. Eleven in favor; one abstention. Motion carried.
Adjourn: 7:48pm