Display the PDF document as part an article
Your PDF document must already be uploaded to our website server. Contact Rob on how to do this via FTP. Read HOW-TO: Upload files for more information on where your PDF document will be located.
As an example, let’s say you named your PDF document, “mydoc.pdf“
Create a new article and enter any text you want, then type the following code where you want the PDF document (mydoc.pdf)to be displayed. You can actually control the size of the document to be displayed with this code as well (see description of this below the code).
“pdf=https://potsdamhumanesociety.org/files/misc/mydoc.pdf|500|300″ (be sure to replace the ” ” with { }; the reason I don’t have this in { } is because that would cause the article to try and load a PDF file called “mydoc.pdf” which does not really exist)
The numbers in the code |500|300 refer to the display of, respectively, the width and height of the document. In most cases this will be fine, though a bit small. You can experiment with the numbers to expand or shrink the display size to find just the right amount that looks good for your article.