Board Meeting Minutes 2/15/2011


February 15, 2011

Present: Bonnie, Irene, Amber, Helen, John, Anne, Carrie, Linda, Rob, Jane, Tony

Guests: Tom and Bill from GYMO

GYMO UPDATE – Tom reviewed a long list of change orders proposed by Loran. The board has to make decisions on what will be approved or not approved. Most of the work has been done already, but not authorized beforehand.

Refer to “Change order status” on attached sheet. All “incomplete” items need more info. From Loran before authorization (ie number of workers, cost of materials and labor, etc.). We do not have any of that information at this time.

The board discussed each line item and highlighted items that (in Tom’s opinion) are legitimate changes, but prices are still too high.

# 10 was a GYMO oversight, so is legitimate, but price is still too high.

1 change order from Empire Plumbing, and one from Watson Electric. Both are legitimate (had to be done) and need to be approved by the board.

Carrie made a motion to accept the change order #1 for Empire for $3,263.81 and Watson change order #1 for $2,069.00. Loran change order #1 (deduct $2,040.00) to approve as well. All remaining Loran change orders are not to be approved until further information is provided. Jane seconded. Motion passed.

Carrie made a motion for Tom to make a field directive for not more than $3,430.00 to fix the roof overhang (#13 line item). This needs to be done before we meet again. Jane seconded. Motion passed.

The new boiler is in and operating. We will get a $1,600.00 credit from St. Lawrence Gas for purchasing a high efficiency boiler. This should come off of our initial bills.

Board gave GYMO authorization to redesign the laundry and boiler placement at no cost or – hopefully – for credit (overall will be less work for contractors). Thanks Anne for the bright idea!

Carrie made motion to approve contractor payments on Form E3 for $83,337.50.

Carrie made motion to approve contractor payment for Form E4 for $158,040.00 pending mortgage closing. Helen seconded


Anne has quotes from Northern Music and NCC Systems for speaker system.

Donor data – may have a better way to track donors. Changes in Petpoint – Animal, Donor, Volunteer tracking. Can be purchased seperately . Chip clinic will recoup some of the cost.

Working on Quickbooks

Anne proposed hiring Jessica Slapper for 16 hours per week or less. One of the cleaners will likely be leaving soon (has been cleaning runs inappropriately). Jess can take her place. No change in payroll.

Minutes from last meeting were approved. Moved by Rob, Linda seconded



Committee has not met since Nov.

Nov., Dec., and Jan. finance reports need to be approved. Refer to financial statements for Nov, Dec and Jan posted on website.

Carrie made motion to approve finance reports for Nov Dec and Jan Tony seconded. Approved p>

Tony moved to accept budget for 2011. Jane seconded Moved


Paws – 4000 paws are distributed throughout the area. All locations are holding $ until the end of the collection period. One check will be submitted at the end.

McFadden Dier Ins. Had a question on insurance for the new building. Per Carrie, the contractor holds insurance until the building is turned over to as, at the end of construction.

Jane is researching Insurance Companies, looking for the best price. John will look into non profits that may provide multi pronged Insurance Coverage.

Leaves of Love – All donors who have given over $200 are entitled to a leaf. Fundraising committee to contact donors to ask if they want a leaf.

Harvest Fest – Jane met with Experiential Dept. at SUNY to discuss a Halloween Harvest Fest next fall. The plan is to use an intern to plan (will get credit but no pay). This will be a major event – haunted house, activities. Question on serving meat at this event. Decision to stand by our policy to not serve commercial meat. Need to discuss what to serve instead. Hope to have Oct. be “PHS Month”

Fundraising committee now has 2 college age girls who are real “go getters”. They are doing a great job.


Current case of horribly abused dog thrown on the side of the road in Edwards. A lot of press which has created a lot of talk about animal abuse. Stress to people that witness or are involved to not give up on pressing charges. Contact Kevin Wells directly.

Coalition report is on website. Carrie is meeting with Karen St. Hilaire.

Next meeting is on 3/22 at 7 pm for the Cruelty Coalition

Kevin Wells is doing an outstanding job. Board is encouraged to recognize his hard work.

Suggested that Rob put a button on the website to link directly to animal cruelty.


Committee met last week

Ad in upcoming PetCare guide for PHS

Rob has connected us to Twitter

John and Bonnie met about PR regarding the grand opening for the new building

Build a Bear dog – stuffed dog that need a name with the initials PHS. Running a contest to come up with the best name. Winner gets the dog.

Motion to adjourn at 8:15 pm. Motion made by Rob, seconded by Tony. Moved

Next Meeting March 15 5:30 in the Bubble Room


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