Actual Budget $ Remaining % of Budget
4000 Shelter fees 50,697.73 60,271.00 9,573.27 84.11629%
4100 Grant Funds 1,500.00 0.00 -1,500.00
4200 Donations 45,559.19 67,550.00 21,990.81 67.44514%
4300 Town contracts 81,739.00 91,798.00 10,059.00 89.04224%
4400 Sales 2,442.09 0.00 -2,442.09
4500 Interest income 50.18 200.00 149.82 25.09%
4550 Dividend Income 3,456.35 4,000.00 543.65 86.40875%
4575 Gain on Sale of Securities 0.00 0.00
4600 Miscellaneous Income 12.00 700.00 688.00 1.71429%
4625 Write Down on House Sale (deleted) 0.00 0.00
4990 Uncategorized Income 0.00 0.00
4995 Billable Expense Income 0.00 0.00
4996 Discounts given (deleted) 0.00 0.00
4997 Markup 0.00 0.00
4998 Shipping Income (deleted) 0.00 0.00
4999 Over/Short Shelter Deposit -5.00 5.00
Discounts given 9.10 -9.10
Total Income $185,460.64 $224,519.00 $39,058.36 82.60354%
Gross Profit $185,460.64 $224,519.00 $39,058.36 82.60354%
5000 Animal-related 44,298.06 59,183.00 14,884.94 74.8493%
5030 Banking Expenses 877.83 1,300.00 422.17 67.52538%
5050 Board Expenses 1,000.00 1,200.00 200.00 83.33333%
5070 Building Operations & Maint. 14,845.76 23,154.00 8,308.24 64.11747%
5100 Computer Technology 1,318.31 880.00 -438.31 149.80795%
5125 Employee 88,064.92 121,456.00 33,391.08 72.50767%
5170 Fundraising Expenses 3,398.92 600.00 -2,798.92 566.48667%
5200 Informational Materials 0.00 0.00
5225 Insurance 7,067.47 6,830.00 -237.47 103.47687%
5250 Office Expenses 2,003.23 4,359.00 2,355.77 45.95618%
5300 Professional Services & Fees 5,244.00 5,557.00 313.00 94.36746%
5325 Shelter Expansion 0.00 0.00
Total Expenses $168,118.50 $224,519.00 $56,400.50 74.87941%
Net Income $17,342.14 $0.00 $ -17,342.14 0.00%