Donors Making an Ongoing Commitment

Iris Anable

The donors listed below have made a commitment to the Potsdam Humane Society by generously making a donation on a regular (monthly, quarterly, annually) basis. They are using PayPal, Bill-Payor their own personal method for meeting their commitment. Through regular (recurring) donations to PHS the people below are ensuring the shelter’s ability to meet its financial obligations and to deliver the level and quality of service we have been providing to the people and animals of the North Country for over 50 years. We would be honored to add your name to this growing list of donors.  Just click on the link below to learn more about our finances and our effort to raise money by asking for “a little help from a LOT of friends”.


Please click here to learn more about our finances (our income and expenses)
We need a little help from a LOT of friends



Ackerman, Nobi & Joanne
Allott, James & Katherine
Amelotte, Jane
Anable, Iris
Ashley, Melissa
Beane, Tony
Baer, James
Boyd, Bonnie
Brainard, Kathy
Byrne, Mary Jane
Caamano, Linda
Card, Evelyn
Cateforis, Vasily & Mary Ann
Clemens, Louise
Clements, Marsha
Currier, Betty
DePerno, Kay
Dickinson, Angela
Dusharm, Cindy
Fetcie, Brian
Grigel, Greg
Hall, Rhoda
Hargrave, Irene
Harrison, Jamie
Hotte, Renee
Huckle, Ruth
Jewett, Rob & Donna
Johnson Eilola, Kelly
Kramer, Susan
Laconti, Mike
Lancaster, John & Christine
Lovass-Nagy, Clara
Lindsey, Amber
Mazzotta, Anne & Sebastian
McGee, Nancy
Morgan, Charles
McLaughlin, Ann & Frank
Nelson, Patricia P.
O’Donoghue, Aileen
Ober, Sharon
Petty-Wheeler, Kristina
Pinover, Jackie & Richard
Rattan, Penny
Robertson, Dawn
Rogers, Kathleen
Sherry, Thomas
Smith, Anne
Shipp, Deborah
Smeby, Susan
Smith, Sherwood & Janice
Smith, Suzanne
Storrin, Anne
Thompson, Joanna & Mike
Trivolino, Carolyn
Turner, Pat & Peter
Tuttle, Carrie
Waterson, Lucille
Welch, Julie
Wisner, Shirley & Warren
Young, Thomas & Suella


Potsdam Humane Society (PHS) strives to be a no-kill shelter where every healthy, adoptable animal taken in will be able to find a home.  PHS Website   PHS email

Your gift to the animals saves lives!

Your contribution to Potsdam Humane Society goes straight to work helping hundreds of animals. Even small donations make a difference. When we combine the generosity of the many animal lovers throughout the North Country, we can make a difference in the lives and welfare of our furry friends!


Secure Monthly Donation
Simply click the PayPal button below, and a page will open allowing you to select an amount, make your donation monthly and even dedicate it to someone special!

Yes, we use industry-standard SSL technology to keep your information secure. Your sensitive financial information never touches our servers. We send all data directly to PayPal’s PCI-compliant servers through SSL.

Your gift is tax deductible as per your local regulations, as we are a tax exempt organization. We will email you a donation receipt. Please keep this, as it is your official record to claim this donation as a tax deduction.

Of course. You always remain in full control of your recurring donation, and you’re free to change or cancel it at any time.