Board Meeting Minutes 9/18/2012

PHS Board Minutes 9/18/12

Members present: Carrie, Ruth, Jackie, Bonnie, Kay, Tony, Lucille, Helen, Rob, Irene, Linda

Meeting called to order at 5:31PM

Director’s report in written form from Anne.  Alysia was cashing out and waiting for customers to pick up their neutered animals, so was unavailable.  Carrie provided update on kennel run repair contractor that he was waiting for more info. from Anne, so Carrie answered his questions & hopefully he will be in this week with Carrie to assess length of project so it can begin.  Need to be definite about Triple A donating FRP with contractor.

Carrie commented that would like to see more substance (stats in Asilomar report, the deaths of 7 animals in August, what’s happening re. adoption trends, health trends).

Minutes of August meeting were posted on line.  Carrie motioned to approve, Tony seconded, minutes approved.

Treasurers‘ Report:

August Income: $23, 905.62

August Expenses: $25,665.18

Net Income:- $1759.56

Year to Date Net Income: -$15,856.41, but some items have not been received (like Town of Potsdam), but also need to look at our expenses (like litter).  Will inform Anne to try using scoopable/clumping litter in small area, like lobby or one floor cat area, will cut down on cleaning cost as they don’t have to rinse pans, just scoop & also would cut our waste removal cost.  Can also ask community & school groups to donate scoopable litter (Save A Lot had large container for $3.99 a year ago.)

Suggest that Finance committee meet to discuss some of the unusual expenses to see if there are options.

Jackie motioned to approve Finance Report, Tony seconded, report approved.

Committee Reports:

Yard Sale in August: $2300

Pars for Paws: $6086; discussed possibility of co-funding to maximize/double leverage our profit generally grants don’t do this for general operating costs but for specific items.

Northern Symphonic Winds: $1060, expenses about $200, so took in about $700+

The Mentalist “Magic of the Mind” Oct. 6.  Will need people working show (4-6 people)

Ticket sales are on now $20, full 2hr show.

Nov. 3 Natty Bumpo’s birthday party will be honoring volunteers, Garden Club

Mystery Dinner theater will be every March.

Carrie is continuing to work on our “beg” letter.  Has labels printed, ready to get in mail next week (by Oct. 1).  Annual report letter appeal will go out in December.

Personnel Operations Committee:
1)Motion to not support payment of professional license fee in 2012 since it’s not in our 2012 budget by Kay seconded by Lucille.   Discussion: need to have a request in writing from Director for future budgets so we will have documentation to create policy.   Motion approved.

2)Motion that all shelter protocol/procedure will be documented by Director brought to Personnel Comm & brought to Board for approval.  Modification of those protocols/procedures will require formal Board approval.  Kay made motion, Rob seconded.   Motioned carried.

3)Policy about adoptability needs to be created.  What seems to be in place is not moving enough animals.  Director needs to develop policy that speeds time frame, also posting of animals on websites need more descriptive info, on kennel need: bio. caption,  date of admission and if adoption sponsored.  If this can’t be done it needs to be brought back to Personnel Committee.  Reinstate Meet Your Match and Seniors for Seniors programs.  Could have bulletin board in front lobby, which animals are sponsored with their pictures.  Should clarify that sale of cats is “Buy One Get One Free”  instead of “Two for One”.

4)Board members should never individually confront staff.  If there are complaint issues with staff or from staff they need to go to the Personnel Committee not to Board members.

5) The Director needs to write Annual Report for 2012 by end of  November 2012

Rob felt that all reported items by Personnel Committee have Board authorization.  Board concurred.

PR Committee is moving forward with monthly PSAs in newspapers (North Country Now etc.)

Old Business:

Emergency contact information will be made more clear on our answering machine so we no longer need to have a Board member contact on our phone.  Jackie will talk with Adrian Bates, Potsdam PD chief, to establish better relationship understanding of shelter process.

Need to have naming opportunities plaques, etc. done ASAP.  Carrie said start with the top and work down, so will do Marescas, then Robert Shaw (which is already done).   Carrie and Bonnie will work on this.   Bonnie also needs help with the memorial benches, assembling and installing them at PHS.

New Business
Letter of resignation by Cindy Dusharm accepted with regret by Tony seconded by Lucille.  Motion regretfully passed.

Tony reported that there are USDA guidelines for housing cats.  Some of our cats are not being housed according to these guidelines.  This will only cause outbreak of disease, which will be expensive.  Need to be proactive, start sale early.  This will be discussed with Director as part of the Operations Committee report.

Bonnie announced she will be resigning as president within the next few months as she is burned out, this is her 10th year and she feels she’s no longer effective.  She said she would continue to serve as a member of the Board.

Motion to adjourn meeting by Rob, seconded by Tony.  Meeting adjourned at 8:25PM

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