Potsdam Humane Society
Board Meeting Minutes 8/18/09
Board Members Guests/Volunteers Staff
Tracy Adle (excused) None Anne Smith
Jane Amelotte (excused)
Bonnie Boyd
Linda Caamano
Cindy Dusharm (excused)
Rob Jewett
Irene Hargrave
Helen Hollinger
Ruth Huckle
John Lancaster
Amber Lindsey
Jackie Pinover
Carrie Tuttle
Lucille Waterson
Location: SUNY Potsdam
1 President called meeting to order at 5:40 p.m.
2 Presidents Report
· Update of respected donors; since May 1st mailing we have taken in $41,786.40.
· Medical, business and educational challenges are underway.
· Mailing to adopters is being prepared by Pat and Claudette. That should be going out within the next week.
· Pat will be conducting a Fund Raising Strategy Session on 8/22 from 9 – 12:00 p.m. at SUNY Potsdam. All members that can attend are encouraged to do so.
· Bonnie followed up with Mr. Paquin and was told he has been on vacation for the last two weeks. Bonnie will follow up next week.
3 Interim Director’s Report
· Copy of revised Cleaning Protocol provided by Anne.
· ACO brought in a stray dog with Parvo. Two dogs had to be euthanized. Radio announcements have been made regarding need for isolation room. Bleach baths have been put out and Anne will contact ACOs regarding potential Parvo outbreak in Norfolk. Expecting to know whether other dogs are affected within four days.
· Shelter staff have been working late to accommodate high temperature issues for animals but are managing hours to minimize overtime.
· Surgery schedule has been adjusted due to Parvo issue.
· SUNY Canton is starting up and plan to keep animals for two weeks in the fall semester. SUNY Canton provides free spaying and neutering. There is some concern regarding two weeks that animals will be kept versus one week but we plan to try it and see how it goes.
· Todd Cramer from ASPCA is coming to Potsdam Police Dept. to present software options and database tracking programs that could help PHS; sponsored by North Country Animal Coalition.
· Debit card is activated and being used by Staff for small purchases.
· Lucas Manning is holding a concert for us September 9th, 2009. Lead singer for Verve Pipes will be performing the concert with possible other bands. Lucas would like us to do PR.
· Jessica Slaper is a biology student that will be doing a research project which will include testing cleaning agents, etc. She has provided us with a copy of her research proposal.
· Cruelty Seminar is scheduled for 9/12. Cost is $20 per person. Alicia will be attending
4 Minute Approval
· Rob Motioned and Lucille seconded to approve last two meeting minutes; unanimously approved.
5 Committee Reports
– Capital Project
- Helen made a motion to authorize Bonnie to execute a contract with Pinto & Assoc. for an amount of $5200 to complete the USDA RD audit needed for the project.
- Tom’s of Maine grant is being prepared by Anne and Carrie for a Community Enrichment Center. Grant is due 8/30 and is for $20,000.
– General Fund Raising
· Village of Potsdam Garage Sales planned for 8/29; PHS is planning for garage sale and details will be announced shortly.
· Bonnie requested that Board start thinking about Holiday Cards with possible general fund raising or general “Thank You”. A separate Committee will be working on this.
· Helen reported that net proceeds from Bubble-mania were $1,024.45.
· Angelo’s dinner is set for Sunday 9/27. Two vegetarian dishes will be served.
– Personnel
· Nothing new to report.
– Operations
· Ruth and Bonnie meeting tomorrow to discuss contracts for Towns. Discussion was had regarding rate increase. Carrie suggested 5% increase in light of capital campaign. Ruth requested stats on number of animals from each Town. Anne will pull this together.
· Lights on back of building have been left on accidentally. Anne will tape switch OFF.
· Rob mentioned that he plans to retire from the Board at some point in the future as he has been on the Board for 20 years. There are issues with the database. Rob is looking at some potential software programs that could be used. FileMaker is the current database program. Rob is recommending that we purchase a standard Shelter program so that he does not have to be the “technical support” person for the Shelter. A web-based system is preferred. Rob and Anne will bring back a recommendation to the Shelter.
– Finance Committee
· Irene reported that Modified budget has been issued. $5,000 was transferred from Capital Plan to Operating Account. $12,000 of additional fund raising will be required and about $29,000 of about $33,000 total fund balance were proposed to be utilized to meet the budget deficit.
· Capital fund expenses for July were $13,418.29 and income was $15,786.25.
· Operating Fund Expenses were $18,589.51 and income was $12,685.25.
– Public Relations & Marketing
· Bonnie has drafted a letter with picture for Sweet Grass grant. The picture was published without the letter; Bonnie followed up and the letter will hopefully be published in NCN. Rob clarified that all Press Releases will be published on the web unless notified otherwise.
– Board Development
· Nothing new to report.
6 Other Business
· John recommended that we approach the Village of Canton as a potential new customer with the hook that we would consider re-naming the Shelter “Potsdam-Canton Animal Shelter.
· Bonnie proposed that we eliminate the 9/1 Board Meeting and encouraged Committee’s to Meet on their own.
7 Motion to adjourn made at 6:57 p.m. by Jackie and seconded by Lucille; unanimously approved.