Board Meeting Minutes 8/16/2011

Normal 0 0 1 334 1906 Colton-Poerrepont Central School 15 3 2340 10.260 0 0 0


Members Present: Carrie, Lucille, Rob, Cindy, John, Linda, Amber, Tony, Jackie, Bonnie, Jane, Irene, Helen, Anne

Meeting called to order at 5:33 PM

Director’s report: Still trying to juggle cleaners’ schedule, basically 3 people/day. Still have things going on in building. Someone from Loran is willing to install FRP in surgery room for free. The old nursery runs were not in the contractors’ scope of work to reinstall and there are issues with the plumbing. There is no easy way to plumb the existing situation. Anne will check into how much it will cost to make the nursery habitable. Alyssia’s wedding is Sept. 3, so may need to change hours that weekend. Need a part time tech or tech assistant to help Alyssia! Fall workshops are planned for Community room.

Project update: Carrie reported on project budget Costs for Form E #10

Barrett : $9245.81

Ward Excavating (binder) $5500

Flynn Striping: $300

(Total paving costs: $15,045.81)

Community Bank Interest for July: $2234.23

Watson Electric: $7869.00

Carrie also proposed that furniture, construction materials testing, paving, and surgery equipment budget lines be zeroed out and those funds be moved to cover closing costs that have been incurred.

John made motion to approve expenses on Form E and to approve budget modifications discussed, Tony seconded. Motion passed.

Minutes of July meeting were motioned by Tony, seconded by Cindy. Motion passed.

Treasurer’s report: Irene had written copies of report.

July Operating revenue: $15,463.04

July Operating expense: $18,894.05

July Capital Revenue: $2,974.59

July Capital Expense: $5,735.83

Finance committee met regarding 2011 budget to discuss changes. Irene will send that out when it is completed.

Fundraising committee: Bonnie reported that help is needed for our Garage Sale August 26 & 27. Board members were asked to sign up.

Fall Series of Events: Cruisin’ for Critters was postponed until 2012.

Jane explained the events. Our goal is $20,000 for this series.

Public relations report by Lucille. Recommendation that there be an Ad-Hoc committee to plan Grand Opening. Lucille feels that invitations should go out by Sept. 15 to major donors.

Motion to adjourn meeting by Lucille seconded by Helen. Meeting adjourned @ 7:15PM

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