Board Meeting Minutes 7/24/2012


Members present: Bonnie Boyd President Jackie Pinover Secretary, Ruth Huckle, Rob Jewett, Helen Hollinger Co-Treasurer, Irene Hargrave Co-Treasurer, Kay DePerno, and Director Anne Smith

Meeting called to order at 5:30PM

Director’s Report:  Jay has been dismissed, hired Jillian Vawna, also have 2 summer county workers.  Received one proposal from Grant Construction for $10,972 to repair kennels & install FRP in old wing, recommend that need another quote before we proceed on this repair work.  Town of Pierrepont will discuss their contract and report to Anne in August their decision, she has offered them pay per use.

Minutes of June meeting were on line.  Rob motioned to approve the minutes as posted, Irene seconded.  No discussion, minutes approved.

Treasurers’ Report by Irene:
June income: $18,647.34

June expenses: $21, 220.05

Net income: -$2572.71

Amber made a motion to approve treasurers’ report, Irene seconded.  Motion carried unanimously.

Fundraising Committee:

Potsdam Summer festival returned $498 ( a little disappointing)

Garage Sale August 23 (set up),24,25  really need help setting up @ Larnard & Market St. afternoon of 8/23, and then selling Friday 8/24 & Sat. 8/25

Pars for Paws Golf Tournament is Friday 8/31 registration 12 noon (Ruth, Bonnie, Rob?, any others?? )

Cruisin for Critters Saturday Sept. 8 (Lucille, Jackie, Kay will help register)

Possible event of sale of gold/silver percentage of sales going to shelter?  Bonnie will see if she has contact information

Personnel Committee:
Shelter hours still the same until at least fall due to Regina being out, and staff vacations.

Staff needs to be reminded of confidentiality

Public Relations Committee:

Rob had article about Best Friends in newspaper

Kay has written “beg” letter will be going out soon

Starting Sept 8 & every 2nd Sat. Kay will do pet grief workshop from 1-2:30PM at Hospice (with last session possibly at shelter).

Ruth mentioned that supporter Gina Lizardi passed away.  As a Board we would like to do something to honor Gina.  Kay will get possible memorial ideas from Hospice and will email them to us. 

Unfinished Business:

Helen Hollinger made a motion that we have a resolution to close our checking account at KeyBank and open a checking account at SeaComm Credit Union.  It was seconded by Kay DePerno.  Motion carried unanimously.

NCC Systems has given us a price to replace links panel $999.65 plus $18 mo. which also includes 4 new door panels.  They also priced a security camera system $1460.00 includes indoor & outdoor cameras. A resolution to approve the replacement of the links panel was made by Amber and seconded by Kay.  Rob started discussion of what line item this would come from?  Rob proposed amendment resolution to increase buildings operations & maintenance budget by $1100 and increase donations by $1100, Jackie seconded.  Motion approved unanimously.

Kay motioned to adjourn 7:40PM Jackie seconded.  Meeting adjourned at 7:40PM

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