Board Meeting Minutes 6/21/2011


PHS Minutes June 21, 2011

Members Present: Jackie, Bonnie, Amber, Ruth, Anne, Carrie, Irene, Jane, Linda, Helen, Rob, Lucille, Tom (GYMO)

Meeting called to order at 5:40

Construction Report: Tom presented report on construction. He reported that change orders have been negotiated down from $50,000 to $18,067. This CO number is on Form E #8 that will be presented to RD for approval this week. Jane made a motion for the Board members to review the “concern list” with Anne & Tom at the new shelter on June 28 @ 5:30 PM, Jackie seconded. Motion passed.

Carrie went over the Form E # 8 budget and proposed the following changes. A copy of the Form E is attached to these minutes for reference with all changes noted except #5.

1) With the $18,067 Loran change order that was previously approved by the board, we have ~$3,100 remaining in contingency. Propose reducing this contingency by $1460.79 to pay for NCC service (line item 2e for phone/ internet). Rob moved, Lucille seconded, motion passed.

2) We have a $5,000 budget in surgical line item 2b on the Form E. Suggested reducing this line item from $5,000 to $3,000 and moving the $2,000 to contingency. Carrie motioned, Bonnie seconded, motion passed.

3) Move $2,700 from contingency to a new direct expense line item (2f on Form E) for stone & gravel that was needed for site work that was not completed by Sheehan donation. Lucille motioned, Rob seconded motion passed.

4) Reduce the furniture budget by $1,000 and move that amount to contingency. Carrie motioned, Jackie seconded leaving $594.68 in furniture budget, motion carried.

5) Construction materials testing original budget was $5,000. We have only submitted $2117 in invoices through the Form Es. There may be approx. $3000 left in this line item. Jane moved, Linda seconded that Carrie be given authorization to reduce the final Form E #8 Construction Materials budget and move those funds to contingency, pending confirmation by ATL of the total final construction materials costs. Motion carried.

Carrie mentioned that we may be able to include some of the ~$16,000 in closing costs on the next Form E if other budget line items are not fully expended as we get closer to finishing project. Carrie has requested an extra $20,000 grant from RD and is waiting to hear whether this will be approved.

Director’s Report: Anne reported that we have contract with Brasher now. Working on emergency evacuation plan. Cleaning and staff hours need more back up, may still need to add 25-35 hours week. Linda moved to raise cleaning hours 35 hours week, Irene seconded (approx. $6825). Carrie was concerned that this should be a proposed budget change and we need to plan. Before the next Board meeting Anne needs to provide Board with the cost of the increase this year and 2012. Motion was amended. Amended motion carried.

Anne reported that Dr. Palermo is willing to do surgery one day a month at PHS! Because of relocating to new shelter, July 1 weekend PHS would be closed except for intake. Sponsorships are up (Best Western and now ARC).

Minutes of May meeting: motion to approve by Lucille, Helen seconded. Motion approved.

Irene presented Treasurer’s Report. Irene reported that there were discrepancies in the Treasurer’s report. Jane made a motion that we table the Treasurer’s report until it is corrected Bonnie seconded. Motion passed.

Discussed insurance policy. Presently paying $7000 for insurance on old shelter. A new policy through McFadden Dier (Great American Insurance Group) is $4677.00 this includes a million dollar liability rider umbrella. Carrie made motion to approve new insurance, Lucille seconded. Motion carried. Jane will call McFadden Dier new insurance will start ASAP.

Fundraising committee is working hard. Calendar of summer and fall events was given to each Board member. Need to have lots of volunteers for all the upcoming events! Please contact Bonnie and volunteer! Income from the fall events should be $20,000.

Carrie reported that Animal Cruelty Committee, now Animal Cruelty Responders committee met with Rita Rinke as new chair. Assistant DA attended meeting. The new committee would like to be more involved in animal cruelty cases.

Public relations committee report by Lucille. The PR committee discussed variety of events: Grand Opening dedication celebration, and a November black tie affair & or a kids celebration of Bumpo’s 5th birthday, also acquiring naming plaques. Lucille will print the research on these naming plaques and costs and bring it to the July meeting.

Motion to adjourn meeting by Lucille, seconded by Rob. Meeting was adjourned at 7:36PM. Next meeting July 19 at community room in new shelter!


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