Potsdam Humane Society
Board Meeting Minutes 6/17/08
Board Member Attendees:
Tracy Adle
Bonnie Boyd
Linda Caamano
Cindy Duscharm
Rob Jewett (excused)
Irene Hargrave
Helen Hollinger
Adam Huckle
Ruth Huckle
Amber Lindsey
Jackie Pinover
Carrie Tuttle
Staff Attendees
Kathy Brainard, Regina Caswell, Anne Smith
Location: SUNY Canton
1. Meeting was called to order at 6:23 P.M.
2. Staff Report
- Report to be sent via email.
- Stats reviewed; isolation empty
Ø Motion by A. Huckle and seconded by J. Pinover to allow 16 and 17 year olds to volunteer. Carried Unanimously.
- Discussion regarding Townimpact on stormwater runoff into Shelter property. C. Tuttle spoke with Town Supervisor and will speak with Highway Superintendent.
Ø A. Huckle motioned and L. Caamano seconded that staff be authorized to use their discretion in setting pricing to address over crowding. Carried Unanimously.
3. Other Discussion/Committee Reports
- C. Tuttle provided update on Capital Project. 4 proposals were received and will be evaluated based on prices, scope, approach, qualifications, etc.
- L. Caamano is working on fostering brochure.
- Educational outreach for elementary schools was discussed.
4. President’s Report
- B. Boyd provided an update on current business.
Ø A motion was made by A. Huckle and seconded by C. Tuttle to transfer funds of $280,000 from operating account to capital account. Unanimously carried.
5. Motion to adjourn at 8:30 p.m. by A. Huckle and seconded by C. Duscharm. Carried unanimously.