Board Meeting Minutes 6/15/2010



1) Call to order @ 5:35pm

2) Present: Bonnie, Rob, Jackie, Amber, John, Irene, Carrie, Helen, Linda, Tony, Jane, Anne.

Guest: Jill Aikins from Gymo

3) Treasurer’s Report: No Finance Committee meeting yet this month. April’s report had been tabled. See Web page for specifics. Rob has contacted AT & T regarding our internet bill, as a result AT & T lowered our bill. Tony motioned to approve April & May Treasurer’s report, John seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

4) Presentation by Jill Aikins from Gymo: Loran Construction from Hogansburg was low bidder for General Contractor. Empire Northeast, Gouverneur, was low for both Mechanical and Plumbing, and Watson Electric was low Electrical. Total bids were $828,500. The contractors have all put up a bond as protection. A letter was sent by Gymo to each of the apparent low bidders vetting and verifying the correct information. Pending notice of award will be sent next month. Notice to proceed will be the following month. USDA Rural Development will need to review. The contract is for the building to be built within 270 days from when contract is signed. Board members asked lots of questions and Jill thoroughly and patiently answered them.

5) President’s Report: Bonnie said she needs volunteers for Madrid Blue Grass Festival 6/25 –6/27. Volunteers’ names need to be submitted so that the volunteer can receive a bracelet to enter the gate. We also need volunteers for the Potsdam Summer Fest July 10.

6) Committee Reports:

Carrie provided an update on the county Animal Protection (Cruelty) committee. The committee is proceeding well and has established good communication with the DA Office and Sheriff’s Office.

PR: Rob & Anne reported that a radio station in Massena will sponsor PHS and provide us free public service announcements.

7) New Business:

Helen reported that all Board members need to sign a Conflict of Interest Policy.

8) Director’s Report:

Anne is having all employees sign “Whistle blower” policy.

Anne is very concerned about feral cat over population. This issue will need to be addressed by the Board soon.

9) Unfinished Business:


10) Tony & Rob motioned to adjourn @7:18PM.


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