Board Meeting Minutes 5/5/09

Potsdam Humane Society

Board Meeting Minutes 5/5/09


Tracy Adle

Jane Amelotte

Bonnie Boyd

Linda Caamano

Cindy Dusharm

Rob Jewett

Irene Hargrave

Helen Hollinger

Ruth Huckle (excused)

Amber Lindsey

Jackie Pinover (excused)

Pat Tubbs

Carrie Tuttle

Lucille Waterson


Location: SUNY Potsdam

1 President called meeting to order at 5:32 p.m.


2 Fund Raising Meeting (Pat Tubbs)

· Case Statement was approved last meeting; final copy provided via email to Board members

· Campaign Plan has been revised (5/4/09 revision); Pat has requested all Board members to individually review the Plan and provide feedback or concurrence. Final plan will be approved at the next Board meeting.

· Decided to name recognition wall “Leaves of Love”

· 5,000 campaign flyers will be made

· Summer Festival – PHS will have presence both Friday and Saturday

· Talent show will be added to last portion of Bubble Mania


3 Fund Raising Update

· More volunteers are needed for upcoming fund raising events in May

· Response from volunteer database has been poor

· Board liked sample leaf that Tracy passed around; agreed to purchase 180 and 60 free


4 Ruby’s Story

· Puppy came from animal hoarder

· Her hips were not forming properly so JC Palermo performed hip surgery; now her front leg has broken; JC Palermo will evaluate her health and determine whether her breeding will seriously compromise her ongoing health and life quality

· Bonnie would like to use the story as an educational opportunity with the public about puppy mills and the genetic maladies that are inherent with inbreeding; and to promote fostering opportunities.


5 Personnel Committee

· Personnel Manual has been updated. Staff interviews have been completed and raises recommended based on performance. Cindy made a motion, as a representative of Personnel Committee, that Kathie and Cleaners receive 3% raise and Anne’s salary is adjusted to $12 per hour. Roll call vote. Motion carried 5-4; Bonnie abstained from vote. Effective 5/15/09.

· Overtime needs to be minimized. Personnel committee will discuss with staff and ensure communication is clear about expectations.

· Finance Committee will modify budget to address labor increases.


6 Animal Friendly Policy Statement – Rob has drafted a new policy statement regarding animal friendly activities; Rob has made a motion to approve policy as drafted; Carrie seconded the policy. Roll call vote. Motion carried 5-2; Bonnie and Irene abstained.


7 Motion to adjourn made at 8:46 p.m. by Rob; Cindy seconded; unanimously approved.

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Your contribution to Potsdam Humane Society goes straight to work helping hundreds of animals. Even small donations make a difference. When we combine the generosity of the many animal lovers throughout the North Country, we can make a difference in the lives and welfare of our furry friends!


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