MINUTES MAY 15, 2012
Members present: Tony, Amber, Irene, Helen, Lucille, Ruth, Bonnie, Jackie, , Linda, Anne and Kay.
Meeting called to order 5:32PM
Kay DePerno was present for 3rd meeting. Motion to approve her as member by Jackie, seconded by Irene. Motion carried. Welcome on board, Kay.
Directors report: Updating/checking on our security system. Presently have less security than in old building. Would like camera pointed toward driveway/road. Anne is continuing to research costs. We are working on enriching “cattery” with grant money received from Greg Biffle money, NASCAR driver.
Minutes: Motion to approve minutes of April meeting by Amber, seconded by Helen. Motion carried.
Treasurers‘ Report:
April Income: $16,827.61
April Expenses: $23,864.71
Net Income: –$7037.10
Budget transfer list was presented in written form, with expenditure increases. Tony motioned to approve budget increase by $9,131.00, Amber seconded. Motion passed.
Motion to approve financial reports by Kay, seconded by Linda. Motion carried.
Bonnie reported that dry-erase boards are still in works. She will call company again to see when our shipment will come in.
Cruisin for Critters June 2. Lucille, Jackie & Kay volunteered to assist @ shelter 9:30.
Amber has organized carwash for June 9 (rain date June 16) at Ponderosa. This is the Chad Fuller memorial carwash. Lucille will donate supplies.
Madrid Bluegrass festival is June 22, 23, & 24 we will need volunteers for our tent for that.
Golf tourney will be August 31 Roger Dusharm is chair and will certainly need some help.
Lucille asked for assistance with Antique Show in May (?) 2013. Jackie & Linda volunteered and Lucille will call them to discuss planning event & responsibilities.
Personnel/Operations Committee:
Motion to approve new Personnel Revised Vacation time by Tony & Lucille. Helen mentioned that this is for new hires. Motion approved, with one no vote.
PR Committee:
Trying to coordinate with fundraising to come out with more press releases.
Bonnie mentioned the newspaper article asking if shelter hours should be changed. No responses yet.
Disaster Preparedness: Anne is coordinating with area counties. Will need volunteers to actually position an emergency shelter. Want to keep pets & owners nearby, perhaps in same building but a different wing, so their owners could take care of them.
Motion to adjourn meeting by Tony. Meeting was adjourned 6:33PM