Board Meeting Minutes 3/15/11

Potsdam Humane Society

Board Meeting Minutes 3/15/11



Board Members                                  Guests/Volunteers                   Staff               

Jane Amelotte                                     Amanda Sullivan                                           

Tony Beane (excused)                        Tom Compo                                                               

Bonnie Boyd                                                              

Linda Caamano                      

Cindy Dusharm   

Rob Jewett (excuse)

Irene Hargrave           

Helen Hollinger

John Lancaster (excused at 7:05 p.m.)

Amber Lindsey (excused)

Jackie Pinover (excused)

Carrie Tuttle

Lucille Waterson


Location: SUNY Potsdam


1        President called meeting to order at 5:32 p.m.


2        Staff Report


  • Anne emailed report in advance of the meeting.  Bonnie reported on several announcements that were included in the report. Board members are encouraged to view report posted on the website.


3        Approval of Meeting Minutes

  • Cindy motioned to approve minutes from February 15, 2011; Helen seconded. Minutes were unanimously approved.  


4        Capital Project Update

  • Tom Compo reported that he successfully negotiated a change order with Loran related to the roof modification for $3253.84.
  • Tom has recommended that the board authorize him to negotiate change order proposals #2 through #12 for a total not exceed $18,067. Jane motioned approval of this resolution and John seconded the motion. Unanimously approved.
  • Cindy motioned that the expenses outline on Form E 5 be approved. Linda seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved. This includes a payment application for Loran for $114,300, Gymo invoice for $10,647, kennel components through Mason Company for $47,273.93 which were over the budgeted amount of $45,500.  The extra costs for kennel doors will come out of contingency.  
  • Tom mentioned that if we could get spray insulation, concrete, gravel, or asphalt donated that would be helpful.
  • Discussed a possible “sneak peak” for donors of the Shelter expansion for 4/9; the certificate of occupancy is expected 4/1. 
  •   Bonnie discussed Northern Music proposal for sound system for facility of $1553.95.  Jane motioned that this system will be handled outside the scope of the project. Irene seconded the motion; unanimously approved.  Bonnie will try to solicit a donation for this item.
  •  Jane made a motion to pay the NCC invoice for $1944.53 out of the capital project and reduce the budget for furniture accordingly. Irene seconded the motion; unanimously approved.
  •   Bonnie reported that closing costs for loan are $16,137.


5        Treasurer’s Report

  •  Irene reported on several matters discussed at their last meeting. A committee report is posted on the website for board members to review.
  • Operating income was $20,180.92 and expenses were $15,228.82.
  • Capital income was $2,591.66 and expenses were $130,611.43.
  •   Financial reports were emailed to board in advance of the meeting.
  • Helen reported that capital campaign donations to date are $571,156.95. Total expenses to date are $100,717.06.  Capital campaign goal is $500,000. After accounting for the ineligible expenses, we have $29,153.11 left to meet our goal.  Several pledges are still outstanding which could put us over this goal.
  • Helen reported that memorial contributions are still coming in.
  •  Helen reported that insurance was increased to cover amount of capital campaign loan.
  • Jane reported that she has obtained another quote for insurance and this will be shared with the board with a recommendation for the next meeting.


6        Committee Reports


 Fund Raising

  • Jane and Bonnie reported on a few small fund raising events that are underway and some upcoming events. The big emphasis will be on an Octoberfest; targeting a $20k goal


Operations/Personnel Committee

  • Nothing new to report

Animal Cruelty/Disaster Preparedness Committee

  • Next meeting scheduled for March 22nd at 6 p.m.


Publicity/PR Committee

  • No meeting this month.


7        Other Unfinished Business or Announcements

  • No updates


8        New Business

  •       No new business reported.


9        Motion to adjourn made by Cindy 7:25 p.m. and seconded by Linda; unanimously approved.



Minutes respectfully submitted by C. Tuttle.

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