Potsdam Humane Society
Board Meeting Minutes 2/17/09
Tracy Adle (excused)
Jane Amelotte (arrived at 5:55)
Bonnie Boyd
Linda Caamano
Cindy Dusharm
Rob Jewett
Irene Hargrave
Helen Hollinger
Adam Huckle (excused)
Ruth Huckle (excused)
Amber Lindsey (excused)
Jackie Pinover (excused)
Carrie Tuttle
Lucille Waterson
Location: SUNY Potsdam
1 Announcements:
a. Pat Tubbs will be conducting the 3/3 meeting
b. Bea Schemerhorn will be at 3/17 meeting
2 Staff Report (Excused)
a. Nothing new to report
b. January statistical report was emailed
3 President called meeting to order at 5:45 p.m.
4 Rob motioned to approve 1/20/09 meeting minutes; Cindy seconded; motion unanimously approved.
5 Officer’s Reports
- President’s Report
a. Bonnie met with SUNY Potsdam Greek Affiliations to promote Zootoo. Students will be promoting in Student Union daily.
b. Courier Observer, Plain Dealer, and Ogdensburg Journal will be doing an advertisement insert which Agway will be underwriting.
c. Watertown Daily Times (WDT) has the same type of advertisement for $128.
d. A volunteer with dog training experience has offered to assist Shelter and be on our list to provide assistance as needed.
o Treasurer’s Report
a. Capital exp. $6,473.10
b. Capital inc. $14,818.77
c. Net inc. $8,345.67
d. Operating exp. $20,165.46
e. Operating inc. $27,802.87
f. Net inc. $7,637.41
Carrie motioned to approve financial reports; Rob seconded; motion unanimously approved.
6 Committee Reports
o Board Development
– Nothing new to report
o Personnel
– Staff Evaluations should be done in February
– Personnel Manual – nothing new to report
– Part-time vacation policy is needed; Board requested draft for review at next meeting
o Operations
– Nothing to report
- Finance
– Nothing to report
- Marketing
– NCN – around 700 hits on Zootoo from their site
– Courier article on Zootoo
– Potsdam HS is doing article on Zootoo
– Zootoo marketing to HS is ongoing
– Clarkson Social Activism project is underway which is highlighting Shelter
– Clarkson TV highlighting shelter; interview with PHS Board members will be conducted 7-8 Monday 2/23 (Cindy, Bonnie, Jane)
– Cindy Dusharm with be underwriting the WDT advertisement as a capital campaign contribution
- Capital Campaign
– Design plans were presented to Planning Board by Carrie, Bonnie, and Tom Compo
– Cindy motioned to approve Gymo to complete an asbestos survey at a price not to exceed $1500; Carrie seconded; motion unanimously approved
o Fund Raising
– Roof Sitter at Partridge Café was successful; contributions of approximately $3500
– 4,050 Heart Paws are in commercial locations for the month of February
– Zootoo dropped to 15th place; laptops will be available at Bonton if WiFi access is available. Linda brought up Zootoo.com “animal story requirement” issue. Linda requested Board motion that we not hold animals “submitted” for story for adoption until after Zootoo. Carrie made motion; Rob seconded; motion unanimously approved.
– Sleepy Hollow tattoo parlor approached Board member about doing a promotional event. Board is supportive of event.
7 Unfinished/Old Business
- Reviewed meeting minute action items.
- Better process for handling donations is needed. Rob, Helen, & Jane will work on procedure.
- Naming opportunities and major capital campaign next steps will be addressed at the next meeting on 3/3
8 New Business
- Laura Duvall brought up issue of Mission Fish charitable linkage from Ebay type cites; Laura has also expressed an interest in developing an online store to support Shelter
- Process for credit card pledge/billing reminders needs to be established (Rob, Jane)
9 Motion to adjourn made at Rob at 7:32 p.m. and seconded by Linda; unanimously approved.