Board Meeting Minutes – 1/5/2010



Potsdam Humane Society

quot;text-align: center;” align=”center”>Board Meeting Minutes 1/5/10


Board Members Guests/Volunteers –  Staff

Jane AmelotteJane Semple Anne Smith

Tony Beane (excused)

Bonnie Boyd

Linda Caamano

Cindy Dusharm (excused)

Rob Jewett

Irene Hargrave (excused)

Helen Hollinger (A)

Ruth Huckle (on leave of absence)

John Lancaster

Amber Lindsey (A)

Jackie Pinover

Carrie Tuttle

Lucille Waterson

Location: SUNY Potsdam

1 President called meeting to order at 5:35 p.m.


2 Interim Director’s Report

· Adoptions are up; especially cats. Kennel cough has been addressed

· Two rabbits have come in; Anne is wondering about spay/neuter. Bonnie suggested JC be contacted and that animals be spayed/neutered.

· Latest ACO hire is not working out; and his dog may be in the Shelter

· There is an issue with condemned property in the Village of Potsdam; woman has several animals, which have entered the Shelter. There is a boarding fee of $10/day plus some fees. Anne is unsure whether the animals will be able to be returned.


3 President’s Report

  • Bonnie provided an update on the Animal Cruelty/Protection Board establishment by the SLC Legislators. A letter of support to the legislators will be sent.
  • The Strategic Planning session is set for 1/17 from 1:30 to 5:00 p.m. at Newel House, SUNY Canton.
  • Pre-planning Committee forwarded a draft agenda for the Board to discuss at the session. Linda will talk to the facilitator about the schedule. Rob moved that we accept committee agenda, John seconded; unanimously approved.
  • Bonnie is working on 2009 annual report/thank you letter to 2009 donors; around 4 pages. This will be an insert in NCTW.
  • Donor solicitation is still underway and Board members are encouraged to complete their respective potential donor requests.
  • Challenges are underway. Business challenge is proceeding well.
  • $500 donation from Scott’s Auto was received towards Business Challenge; TJ Toyota also made a significant donation.
  • Suggestion was made to make a presentation to Chamber of Commerce, Rotary, and other community organizations (Potsdam, Canton, SLC); Bonnie will make contacts.
  • Finances finished in the black for year-end (barely).


4 Other Business/Announcements

· Ashley House gave $525 in donations to the PHS; donation was forwarded directly to Helen. All receipts for donations need to be given to Anne so she can enter these into the Database and so Cindy can send “thank you” notes.

· Carrie mentioned that she submitted a $10K Build-A-Bear grant for low cost spay neuter program.

· Anne provided an overview of the North Country Animal Coalition and that PHS may receive a $2k grant from SPCA toward this program. Jefferson County, Ogdensburg, Malone, Saranac Lake are involved, but some partners have not been active.


5 Motion to adjourn made at 6:40 p.m. by Jackie and seconded by John; unanimously approved.


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