Board Meeting Minutes 12/21/2010

December 21, 2010 MINUTES


Members present: Amber, Carrie, Jackie, Jane, Linda, Tony, Rob, Bonnie, Lucille, Helen and Anne


Meeting called to order 5:35PM


Staff report:  Anne reported that due to recent incident and performance over the years she has decided to place Justine on as part-time vet @ $9/hr.  Justine does have good surgical skills and with the additional S/N clinics she could get additional hours.  Alysia would be her supervisor.  If Justine chooses to leave she would have to give us 2 weeks notice.  If Justine does resign, there is a possibility that Regina would be able to come to us on surgery days.  This is Justine’s final opportunity.  Anne will write up a new job description for Justine as well as Alysia with their new duties.

Carrie motioned that Anne immediately put Justine on part time and Alysia on full time and that Anne has the authority to draft changes in Justine’s and Alysia’s job description as discussed above with salary adjustments accordingly, $9 for Justine and $10.25 for Alysia motion seconded by Amber.  Motion passed unanimously.


Operations:  drains in entire back kennel are not working. Anne has contacted Tom Compo.  This may require a change order in our construction plans. Starting January 2011 PHS will no longer be issuing dog licenses and Anne will be contacting town clerks notifying them of new dog owners in their township.


Minutes of November meeting:  Lucille motioned to approve the minutes of last meeting, Tony seconded.  Motion passed.


Finance Committee: Treasurer’s report was posted on line.

2011 Budget now needs to be re-adjusted reflecting above salary adjustments and new fundraisers (S/N clinics, behavioral workshops, Best Friends, etc) and then posted on line/emailed for Board to vote upon by December 31, 2010.  Carrie motioned that finance committee make change we discussed and present a balanced budget for 2011 that doesn’t rely on net cash carry over.  Tony seconded.   Motion passed.

Christmas bonuses for 2010: in the past we have given full time personnel $100 Christmas bonus and part time $50.  There would be a $500 pool.  Anne can decide how to allocate this money.  Jane motioned Carrie seconded that Anne will receive $100 Christmas bonus in 2010 and then Anne will decide upon how remaining $400 is allocated.   We are increasing this line item for 2010 budget by $500.   Motion carried.

Discussed having a specific line item for Christmas bonuses & party in our 2011 budget.   Tony made motion for line item in 2011 for bonuses & Christmas party (perhaps $1,000), Lucille seconded.   Motion passed.


Fundraising:  Bonnie reported that she was the only person in attendance at the last meeting this is not helpful.  Really need to have additional people on fundraising committee.

Best Friends has taken in over $2000 in the first 4 days and they may be able to give us a profit check during January.

SeaComm gave us a donation of a little over $2,000 Dec. 16.

Bon Ton gave us a check for a little over $240 from the coupon book sales.

Lucille and Jane suggested that we start reminder notices to people who have made pledges and have not fulfilled their pledges.   There is approximately $18,000 of unfulfilled pledges from about 19 people.


Animal cruelty: working on ad to notify public what committee has done.  Carrie will make presentation to new St. Lawrence County Legislators meeting early 2011.


PR met on Dec. 9 and they are still working on PHS annual report , which will be mailed out in January.  Hopefully this will generate additional revenue.  Bonnie mentioned that the “sad/wonderful” stories are important to include.  The PR committee reports are on the website.


The payment application for December is $134,566.40 includes payment to Loran, Empire and Watson.   Motion made by Carrie and seconded by Tony to authorize Helen to pay project related expenses on form E #2 pending approval by Rural Development and Gymo.  Motion approved.


Motion to adjourn 7:04PM.


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