Potsdam Humane Society
Board of Directors Meeting
December 16, 2014
Chad Fuller Multi-Purpose Room
The meeting of PHS Board of Directors was called to order by President, Carrie Tuttle at 5:28 PM.
Board members present: Amber Lindsey, Karen McAllister, Debbie Finnegan, Tim Donahue, Betty Wolf, Tony Beane, Irene Hargrave, Suzanne Smith, Carrie Tuttle, Rob Jewett, Lucille Waterson, Linda Caamano, and Bonnie Boyd
Board members absent: Ruth Huckle, Deb Massell,
Shelter Director: Alysia Maynard
Guests: John Parcel, PHS 2013 Audit; Hilary Oak, Best Friends End of Year Report
Meeting minutes from 11/20/2014 were approved without exception. All in favor.
Guest Report
Hilary Oak reported that the year (April through December) at Best Friends has been very good. Expenses are 47% of the $46,882 gross. There is a good support of donations and customer base. Some animals have been adopted because of their exposure at the Best Friends Store. Hilary shared that the Tile Co building is for sale and that we might have to move our operation in the future.
John Parcels presented his audit for 2013. H epointed out that our revenue each year is not enough to keep us solvent in the future. He stated that Best Friends must have an audit at the end of the year, and that he should be there to witness it.
2013 Audit: refer to statements posted on Dropbox here:
Director’s Report
Alysia Maynard commented on her report (link below) which is posted online at our website.
Discussed the plan from Advanced Business Systems of Watertown (with a Canton office). This service contract would cost 113.02/month for 63 months, including all printing costs except paper.
Motion to approve the contract with ABS of Watertown. All in favor.
Election of officers
Suzanne, President; Tony, VP; Irene,Treasurer. Secretary election tabled until the January meeting, pending Amanda Crump joining the Board and then being elected Secretary.
Correspondence Reports
Amber reported a $1,000 dollar check mailed to her from an elderly friend.
Committee Reports
Finance Report ( links here)
Balances for the month as of November 30, 2014:
Income: $20,704.91
Expenditures: $37,391.56
Net income: -$16,686.65
Motion to approve Irene’s financial report with many, many thanks.
Irene presented the 2015 budget for approval. Some changes were made in line items to fine tune the budget. Motion to approve the changes and approving the amended budget for 2015.
Online link to PHS 2015 Budget – FY15 P&L January – December 2015
Online link to 2015 Budget
Betty Wolf reported on upcoming Centerplate Events. Discussion followed on how to get more volunteers.
“31” party on December 6, 2014 brought in 50 dollars.
Working on Christmas ornaments and have given PHS over a $1,000 in profit.
Personnel/Operations Committee
Public Relations & Donor Recognition
No news on the leaves of love display, but it is in the making. Look for it in early January.
Technology Committee
The website is nearly ready to roll. It will be operating after the first of the year. Suzanne noted that it will be easy to manage.
Dog Park Report
On hold till Spring.
John Parcels presented his audit for 2013. H epointed out that our revenue each year is not enough to keep us solvent in the future. He stated that Best Friends must have an audit at the end of the year, and that he should be there to witness it.
Carrie has resigned from the Board, but not from PHS and will continue supporting the cause.
Motion to adjourn 8:09 PM.
Minutes submitted by Bonnie Boyd