Board Meeting Minutes 12/15/09

Potsdam Humane Society

Board Meeting Minutes 12/15/09



Board Members                                  Guests/Volunteers                   Staff               

Jane Amelotte                                     None                                       Anne Smith

Tony Beane

Bonnie Boyd                                                              

Linda Caamano                      

Cindy Dusharm  

Rob Jewett

Irene Hargrave           

Helen Hollinger

Ruth Huckle

John Lancaster   

Amber Lindsey

Jackie Pinover

Carrie Tuttle

Lucille Waterson


Location: SUNY Potsdam


1        President called meeting to order at 6:03 p.m.


2        President’s Report

  • Bonnie reported on a couple potential new Board members that may be interested in joining over the next few months.
  • Pat Tubbs has finished her work with the Shelter and her last invoice will be paid shortly.
  • Kathy Connelly is going to help us get businesses to join challenge; and help community groups make annual donations.
  • Work is progressing with educational challenge.
  • Bonnie will be requesting a formal reduction from Pinto for future audits.


3        Interim Director’s Report

·         Kennel Cough intranasal is being given to all dogs when they are admitted. Heartworm combination drug is being reduced to just heartworm medication which will result in no net cost increase.

·         Several cats have upper respiratory illness.

·         Animal cruelty case in Norwood is being dealt with. Currently, 3 dogs have been trapped, and 6-8 were brought in today. Several may need to be euthanized. Tony recommended that amoxicillin should be used instead of Clavimox (which is much more expensive).

·         Cats are not being adopted quickly.  Bonnie suggested that newspaper is contacted and we try to get information out to the public as soon as possible.           

·         A new ACO has been hired and has been helping trap animals with the recent animal cruelty issue.

·         John Kaplan suggested we drug screen our new staff members. The Board understands that this would have to be incorporated into our Personnel policy and is not interested in pursuing at this time.

·         A new DEA representative for the Shelter will be required since Ruth will be taking a leave of absence. We have until January to identify and transfer paperwork.

·         Amber made a motion that Shelter stay open the day after Christmas. Tony seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved.


4        Meeting Minute Approvals

·         Jackie motioned to approve the minutes from the last meeting. Tony seconded and it was unanimously approved. John Lancaster abstained as he was not at the meeting.


5        Committee Reports

·         Finance Committee

o   $5000 from Amber’s “Old Lady Friend” was received. Funds were split 50/50 to Operating and Capital Fund.

o   2010 Budget was sent out today by Irene. The Finance Committee has not approved this yet and Irene recommended that this happen before it comes before the Board for approval.

o   Operating income was $12,798.52 and expenses were $15,354.89. Capital expenses were $1,500 and income was $18,145.95 for the month of November.

o   Balances in checking were $2,238.87 and savings $9,212.34.

o   It appears we may end up in with net cash of approximately $10,000 at the end of the year.

o   Capital campaign contributions raised to date are $386,501.40; spent $94,284.41 to date; $207,783.01 remains to be raised.

o   Cindy made a motion to accept the finance report, Jackie seconded; motion was unanimously approved.

o   Jackie will email the vacation policy for the PHS. Part-time employees do not receive any benefits or days off.

o   Rob motioned that the Finance Committee meet with the Personnel Committee and come up with policy for recognizing employees and clarifying benefits.


·         Animal Cruelty

o   Tracy Adle suggested that someone follow up with her neighbor who has some issues with goats, etc.

o   Carrie provided an update on what actions the Board can take to move the animal cruelty committee forward and provided clarification on the process for dealing with cruelty complaints.

o   Discussed the need for a feral cat program/policy and that we not accept feral cats from Waddington or other non-contracted communities.  Lucille motioned that a feral cat program and policy be developed. Carrie amended to include not accepting feral cats until this is in place. Jackie seconded and the Board unanimously approved. 

o   Tony, Linda, Carrie and Anne will work on the policy/program development.


·         Marketing Committee

o   Rob suggested that someone write up some press for Holiday gifts. Lucille offered to write up something.


·         Operations

o   Nothing new to report.


·         Fund Raising Updates

o   Report was provided by Laura Duval to certain board members. 


·         Personnel Updates

o   Nothing new to report.


6        Other Business/Announcements

·         Board retreat will be 1/17/10 from 1:30 to 5:00 at SUNY Canton Newell Conference Room.

·         Facilitator is needed for the Board retreat. Lucille, Linda and Carrie offered to assist in pre-planning meeting. Focus will be on critical areas. Other issues will be sent to the parking lot for a future meeting. Linda has a friend that may be able to facilitate or Carrie may be able to recruit someone. 

·         Jane suggested that we conduct a phone-a-thon and it was tabled at a previous meeting.  Fund raising committee agreed to do this once we to within $50k – $75k of goal.


7        Motion to adjourn made at 7:45 p.m. by Jackie and seconded by Tony; unanimously approved.

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