Potsdam Humane Society
Board Meeting Minutes 12/11/12
Board Members Guests/Volunteers Staff
Tony Beane (excused)
Jill Yanus
Anne Smith
Bonnie Boyd
Karen McAllister
Linda Caamano (excused)
Tara Fountain
Kay Deperno
Suzanne Smith
Rob Jewett
Irene Hargrave
Helen Hollinger
Amber Lindsey
Jackie Pinover (excused)
Ruth Huckle (excused)
Carrie Tuttle
Lucille Waterson
Location: PHS Multi-Purpose Room
President called meeting to order at 5:40 p.m.
Staff Report
Anne emailed report in advance of the meeting and reported on exceptionally high save rate this month on the Asilomar. She mentioned that she is focusing on dog enrichment/rehabilitation.
Anne computed the cost to house an animal and determined that on average, it costs PHS $241/animal. This calculation was based on calendar 2011 and includes dogs and cats. Anne will provide a summary of the total estimated cost per municipal contract (to Rob to be posted on the web).
Anne reported that Regina Caswell is still out of work and is waiting for a determination from her doctor regarding potential long term disability.
Approval of Meeting Minutes
Amber motioned and Irene seconded approval of minutes; approved unanimously.
Committee Reports
Finance Committee
For month of October, operating revenue = $25,324.04, operating expenses = $22,731.60. The payment to Mr. Grant contracting is not included in this month because of the complexity of the transaction. Irene met with accountant and is confident in the report now. Carrie motioned approval and Lucille seconded; unanimously approved.
For November, revenue was $19,471.68 and expenses were $20,367.50. Rob motioned approval and Helen seconded; board unanimously approved.
Irene reported on balance sheet and pointed out that if you look at our accounts (cash on hand this year versus last year); the difference is ~$14,500 less than last year.
Anne reported that donations are increasing and this is typical this time of year.
Irene presented 2013 budget. Proposed budget for 2013 is $297,728 versus the 2012 budget of $300,147; a slight decrease from last year. Irene motioned to approve the budget; Lucille seconded the motion; unanimously approved. The board recognized the efforts of the Finance Committee and thanked them for their hard work.
Fund Raising
December mailing was distributed and feedback has been very positive. Bonnie noted that SUNY Potsdam provided copying services at a very reasonable cost. 700 items were mailed yesterday in total.
PayPal donations have increased.
Gift donations are also available.
“Thank You” cards – Lucille mentioned that receipts are needed for tax purposes that specify the amount of the donation. Kay is also assisting. Lucille has offered to cover the cost of postage.
Operations/Personnel Committee
Carrie presented a draft Personnel Policy. The board provided feedback and Bonnie motioned to approve Policy; Carrie seconded; unanimously approved.
Publicity/PR Committee
Lucille reported on Tony’s article and Kay’s upcoming article
Other Unfinished Business or Announcements
SWOT: board members are requested to provide input; Bonnie mentioned that we should determine whether health insurance would be required as part of new legislation.
Officers: Helen announced that she will be resigning this year when she retires; Kay has offered to fill in for Jackie while she is away. The board discussed the slate for officers for 2013 and is proposing: President: Carrie; VP: Tony or Kay; Treasurers: Helen (through tentatively Aug.)/Irene; Secretary (Jackie/Kay). Carrie will follow up with Tony and officers will be approved at the January board meeting.
New Business
Grant Writing Services: Bonnie presented a summary of the work that Pat Tubbs provided for the Shelter during the capital campaign. Board requested that she come to a board meeting and provide a presentation.
Carrie presented the pre-application that she is working on for a $10,000 RD grant to fund the back-up generator project and requested the board authorize her to execute documents related to the application and to authorize submittal to RD. Helen motioned to approve and Bonnie seconded; unanimously approved.
Irene requested that she be authorized on the SeaComm account. Rob motioned approval and Helen seconded; unanimously approved. Bonnie will draft a letter requesting such.
The board discussed the issue of raises for employees and regretfully is unable to authorize increases for 2013. Carrie motioned that this be approved and Irene seconded; unanimously approved.
Bonnie mentioned that calendars have not sold as hoped and requested board members to help promote and passed out additional “Mercy” booklets.
Motion to adjourn made by Kay at 7:45 p.m. and seconded by Rob; unanimously approved.