Board Meeting Minutes 11/3/09

Potsdam Humane Society

Board Meeting Minutes 11/3/09



Board Members   Guests/Volunteers  Staff

Tracy Adle Laura Duval Anne Smith

Jane Amelotte (excused)

Tony Beane (excused)

Bonnie Boyd

Linda Caamano

Cindy Dusharm

Rob Jewett (excused)

Irene Hargrave

Helen Hollinger

Ruth Huckle (arrived at 6:11)

John Lancaster

Amber Lindsey

Jackie Pinover

Carrie Tuttle

Lucille Waterson


Location: SUNY Potsdam


1 President called meeting to order at 5:36 p.m.


2 President’s Report

  • Pat Tubbs sent Bonnie a 7-page draft report summarizing the capital campaign and making strategic planning recommendations. Pat is proposing that we re-organize into a Board of Directors and a fund raising Committee. Bonnie would lead fund raising efforts. Report will be forwarded on to other Board members within a couple days and Pat will present the report at the next Board meeting.
  • Capital campaign report updates.
    • Phil Royce, Mgr from Barrett Paving, has donated in kind services by way of providing paving materials through Cindy Dusharm. Phil is very interested in helping change Canton’s policies regarding animal disposition, as a Canton resident. He may be willing to do more by way of Board support.
    • Bonnie was talking to someone who has donated $700. Pat suggested that we offer furnishings (to be specified) at $1,000 level as incentive for current contributors to up donations.
    • No updates available on Ardis Collier Brown estate; although Bonnie is still pursuing.
  • Interim Director’s Report
    • Canine influenza is in the Shelter; which is like common cold – and very curable in most cases. One dog will be put down tomorrow that is not doing well and failed behavior test. It is very contagious.
    • Anne is taking vacation the rest of the week since there isn’t a lot to do.
    • Several animals are in foster care and several have been adopted.
    • Anne asked about furnace donation and is concerned about putting space heaters in the area. Tracy reported that progress is being made on donation of furnace and is hopefully that it will happen within a week.
  • Committee Reports
    • Finance Committee
      • Report was submitted in advance of Board meeting. Tracy reported that in an attempt to make up the operating shortfall the Committee is recommending that $10,827 be transferred from the Capital Campaign to the operating campaign. Carrie motioned that we transfer the funds. Jackie seconded the motion. John reminded the Board that he made a similar motion last month but recommended that the operating fund payback the capital campaign next year. Tracy clarified that the event funds that are recommended for transfer are ongoing events which should have initially been accounted for in the operating campaign. John withdrew his amendment to require re-payment. Jackie suggested that we keep the motion from last meeting in place that would allow an end of year fund transfer if there is an operating budget shortfall at year end. Motion was unanimously approved.
      • Irene is working on the 2010 budget. Anne is providing input on expenses. April is set for a review of the budget.
      • Alicia would like to do internship at Shelter but this would require additional funds that the Shelter can not afford at this time. Carrie suggested that the Board explore finding an outside source to pay for the internship. Contact should be made with SUNY Canton to explore.
      • Anne thinks that Kathy could be better utilized towards rescue issues, radio adds, etc.
      • Shortfall is significant enough that Board is considering cutting back labor hours through the rest of the year. Anne will discuss issues off-line and bring recommendations back to Board. Input from staff is recommended.
      • Cindy made as motion that Anne settle the issue internally, Helen seconded; unanimously approved.
      • Tracy reported that Linda was added to the Finance Committee.
      • Committee has designated annual fund raising events that will be under the operating report.
    • Fund Raising Updates
      • BonTon coupon booklets are available through Bonnie.
      • Tracy reported that SUNY Canton VetTech Club is doing a celebrity mailing list to request cash or donated items. A friend of Tracy’s organized a similar event and raised $57k.
      • Ashley House is displaying “charming paws” jewelry to benefit the Shelter.
      • Lucille is hosting a Holiday Trunk Show at her home in Madrid which will host Shelter jewelry.
      • John provided an update on the Black Tie event on November 7th. The event will be 6:30 to 10:00 p.m. at 32 Pierrepont Ave. John requested confirmation of ability to attend. Parking is across the St. at 37 Pierrepont Ave. 48 people, not including the Board members, have confirmed their availability. Servers have been arranged.
      • Amber mentioned that an elderly friend of hers passed away and she is hopeful that a check for $5,000 can be turned over the Shelter in December. Funds could be contributed to the capital or operating fund.
  • Carrie provided information on the capital project and how much is left to fund raise to meet our goal. We are 80% of the way there on a million dollar project. A copy of the Form E project budget was provided. As of 9/28 we needed to raise $221,230.59. This does not include October funds raised but does include October capital expenses.


3 Minute Approval

· Minutes from 9/15, 10/6, and 10/20 were motioned for approval by Jackie; and seconded by Amber; unanimously approved.


4 Other Business

· If anyone would like to bake goods for the Holiday event Linda is requesting volunteers. Baked goods should be individually wrapped refreshments. Cindy volunteered to bake 6 dozen cookies.


5 Motion to adjourn made at 7:22 p.m. by Jackie and seconded by John; unanimously approved.

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