Board Meeting Minutes 11/20/2012

PHS MINUTES 11/20/2012

Members present: Lucille, Jackie, Carrie, Rob, Kay, Amber, Anne Bonnie, Irene, Helen

Meeting called to order @ 5:30PM

Guests: Debra (Linda’s friend potential Board member), Matt Anable, Pat  & Andrew from they create designs for t-shirts, etc. and give percentage to client, no overhead nor storage, would give PHS 15% at beginning, we would post it on our website with subdomain and we would need to promote it, no cost to us.

Carrie made motion to authorize Bonnie to make an agreement with Stacked Graphics, Rob seconded.  Motion approved.

Director’s report:  Freddie doing better, does have potential adopter thru a rescue group.  Anne reported statistics: total average length stay 45.5 days all animals; dogs: 39.3 days, pups 34.3, cats 83.5, kittens 37.9; 1 cat, Camille over a year, and Freddie & Portia.  They are looked at everyday & getting rehab.

Freezer is fixed and also the heating fan in nursery.  The drains in the old wing need to be looked at, have company in Ogdensburg with camera that Anne will call and get estimate.

Anne will be working on end of year report for 2011 & 2012.  Will send out to Board in email in rough form.  “Seniors for seniors” program poster will be posted.  At this point don’t have a discounted price for elderly animals, do we need consistent policy?  Carrie felt that animals over a certain age should be reduced.  She feels it isn’t clear what our pricing schedule is.  Kay suggested that Anne provide at next Board meeting what her policy recommendation would be.

Carrie discussed the generator, about $18,000, we would need to come up with $5000 on our own.  We need as Board to decide if this is priority and if so how are we going to budget for it.  Debra said her husband has backhoe & labor could get pad poured & trenches dug.  This work would be something to do this spring.  It would need to be coordinated with the contractor.

Regina’s health status still unknown, will be on disability.  We could hire a replacement temporarily.  Anne does have resumes of vet techs on file should we need to hire.

Minutes of October meeting on line Rob motioned to approve, Kay seconded.  Motion approved.

Treasurers Report: Irene reported
October Income: $23,672.51

October Expenses: $31,060.80

Net Income: -$7,388.29

However, we did transfer $8400 which didn’t show on this report.

Finance Comm. has met twice on 2013 budget, at this point there is a  $40,000 shortfall. We are $16,000 in red now for 2012, which will carry over, plus an additional shortfall of $20,000 in loss of income from Dr. Maresca who has completed his pledge.  With $40,000 shortfall what do we do with wages.  Irene will email budget out, Carrie suggested that Personnel Comm. look at what their previous percentage increase was & will also make recommendation re wages to Board.  In past raises were given  on Jan. 1.  but last year there were many new hires that for those new hires their raises were effective on hire anniversary date.  Personnel Comm. should make recommendation on what date raises will be given.

Treasurer’s report was tabled until next month.


BonTon will be getting us a check for sale of the booklet

Gold silver was not very successful but will get something

Bonnie is working on Holiday Appeal mailing

Calendars on sale $15

Personnel Committee reported that they have recommendation about vacation policy.  It will be based on accrual basis on how long they’ve been employed for full-time employees.  Presently it is January 1.  Now recommending that it move to date of hire,  and if employee leaves they do still receive.

Carrie made a motion that starting Jan 2013 vacation will be made on accrual basis for full time employees and probationary period will be formalized as 6months.  Kay seconded.  Current employees should appeal thru Anne to board their situation.

Motion carried.

PR Committee: Lucille reported that PR articles for newspapers are set and moving along.

New Business:

Jackie said that this is her last meeting until April and replacement is needed for writing thank you notes and also taking the Board minutes. Kay & Lucille will do the thank you cards, but not take minutes.  Ten Board members will be here all winter, we need to have officers from these people.  Carrie will take the minutes in December.  We need to have elections at our December meeting.  Bonnie & Carrie will be the nominating committee.  If you’re interested in being an officer send Bonnie or Carrie an email.

Bonnie cannot be in attendance on Dec. 18.  Next meeting Tues Dec. 11.  NOTE CHANGE OF DATE.

Rob motioned to adjourn Lucille seconded.  Meeting adjourned @ 7:30PM

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