Board Meeting Minutes 10/18/11


PHS Board Meeting Minutes 10/18/11


Members present: Rob, Helen, Carrie, Ruth, Amber, Bonnie, Helen, Jackie, Linda, Cindy, Irene, Anne, Jane


Meeting called to order at 5:37PM


Director’s Report:  Anne is working punch list, kennel runs that have repair problems.  She is in contact with the company and there is a problem with manufacturing and it will be repaired/replaced no cost.  There are other punch list issues that Anne is working on (e.g. an issue with ramp floor tile as well as old bathroom, which is backing up.)  Just had volunteer orientation.  One employee is having difficulty and possibly resigning, Anne has documented it.  PHS may have some connection with animal group in Dexter that would be bringing us animals to be spayed.  Question brought up is this leaving our own animals out of process to be spayed and therefore they may not be able to be adopted as quickly.  Possibly Board members could try to contact area vets to get PHS temporary assistance, especially emergency care now that we have more animals?  Anne will get out the letter she wrote last year to area vets and Linda and Jackie will revise it and take it to area vets.  Discussed the intake unit and its accessibility, it is off limits to public, but they can see the dogs from the outside.  Anne explained this issue and its liability.  Anne will try to post signs outside to explain area off limits and why.


Capital Project: Carrie reported that Empire Northeast and Watson have completed nearly all of their punch-list items and will be done within the next few days, at which time GYMO will come onsite and do a final punch-list-walk-through with an Owner representative. Then we can release final payment – which was authorized at the last board meeting. Loran has also been working on their punch-list and completed most of the outstanding items. There are 2 items (that Anne mentioned), that the contractor attempted to repair but may require some additional work: 1) some minor staining in kennels; 2) the seam at the bottom of the ramp.  GYMO is also going to come to the Shelter in the next week and make some modifications to the handrails, which is required to meet code.  There are a few other minor items that we need to take care of to close out the project. We have a 1 year warranty on all construction items from substantial completion, which occurred in June.


Minutes of September meeting were postponed until next month to allow Board members more time to view it.


Finance Committee: 2012 budget is being discussed.  Jane will look into cost of food.  She is surprised at cost of freight for our free Science Diet, $7000/year.  She will contact Randy LaValley to inquire whether they could deliver it for us cheaper, will also need to check with Science Diet about logistics of this.  Irene mentioned National Grid bill increase.  Instead of 2000KW now using 6000KW.  Carrie will submit application for energy audit.  Carrie will also try and contact someone from National Grid to see if we could get our usage fee reduced.   Through NYSERTA there may be some solar energy that we could install with grant money.  Irene mentioned that our mortgage payment will be $2140/month at 3.75%.  for 30 years.  Irene will work with Jane’s suggestions for making our budget balance and email copy of 2012 budget to everyone.   Would like some more publicity for our events perhaps different radio stations, print, etc.  Jane will check into whether Cassella will be increasing our fees.  Carrie mentioned that there might be green innovation for composting, Anne will check into what other shelters are doing with their organic waste material.

PayPal is taking off, getting some consistent donations.

For September Irene reported:


Revenue    24,134.52

Expenses   24,679.48



Revenue      2,146.12

Expenses         -0-


Fundraising:  Purina Dog Show brought in $3300, not all profit.  The Dog Days had 30 people attend, brought in $800 thanks to Best Western.  This weekend is the Clarkson’s Hoopla that has been scaled back slightly.  SUNY Potsdam extravaganza Oct. 29 will be huge and we will need all hands on deck.   Can email Tracy for times to volunteer.

Lancaster’s will host an event at their home Nov. 12 from 2-6PM for area small businesses.  He will charge $25 donation all proceeds for shelter.


Animal Cruelty Anne will have a cruelty meeting with Jeff Ayers from ASPCA in November at PHS.  Disaster preparedness now taking applications to become a volunteer.   We are attempting to partner with 3 counties on this.


Public relations:  Rob has done a great job with website & his computer expertise but he needs assistance on PR Committee.   Jane suggested that PR could use someone to attend Lions, Rotary meetings etc. and speak about PHS and could also use someone to write articles for newspaper to get us in on more regular basis.


Unfinished business: Cindy mentioned the outdoor sign.  She hasn’t received any drawings yet from one company but she did present what she had.  She has taken on responsibility for getting $ for this.  Jane reported that Lowe’s and Home Depot both have grants for signs.  She will check in with Northeastern Sign again as they are local and have supported us, to see if they will be able to do replicate it.


Bonnie had John’s letter of resignation.  Motion to accept with regret his resignation from Cindy seconded from Jackie, motion passed.  Bonnie thought we should put a thank you in editorial for all individuals and businesses that helped us with Grand Opening.  Bonnie will send Lucille a get well card and flowers from Board.


Motion to adjourn 7:40PM by Linda, seconded by Tony.



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