Board Meeting Minutes 01/17/12

Potsdam Humane Society

Meeting Minutes 1/17/12

Attendees: Bonnie Boyd, Irene Hargrave, Amber Lindsey, Carrie Tuttle, Rob Jewett, Linda Camaano, Anne Smith

1. Bonnie called the meeting to order at 4:45 p.m. and reminded the board that since we have 11 members 6 constitutes a quorum.

2. Amber motioned and Linda seconded to approve Nov. meeting minutes; Rob motioned and Linda seconded to approve Dec. meeting minutes. Minutes approved unanimously.

3. Anne provided an update on several items

a. She is working on contracts with Canton and resolving some issues with Norfolk

b. Animal Cruelty Coalition is now meeting at PHS and Anne is leading effort where Carrie left off.

c. There are several potential design/warranty issues with the building that need to be addressed. Anne is going to document the issues and Carrie will assist with writing a letter to the engineer to address the issues. Rural Development will be copied on the letter.

d. Bonnie asked about a utility survey to determine if there are ways that we can cut costs. Carrie will research possible grants and report back to the board.

4. Treasurer’s Report

a. Irene reported that she is working on 2011 reports

b. Minutes from finance meeting have been posted to the website

c. 1st mortgage payment occurred this month

d. 2 accounting firms were solicited to complete an audit for the PHS. The firms solicited were selected since they responded to prior solication last year. John Parcell quoted $3650-$3950 and Pinto quoted $5000. Carrie motioned to switch to Parcell, Bonnie seconded. Unanimously approved.

e. Irene reported that we have secured $400/month in PayPal donations.

5. Fund Raising

a. BonTon fund raiser was a success (~$450). Another event will be held in the spring.

b. Rob suggested that fundraising committee and public relations get together to discuss how we can offer monthly donation in an easier way. Board agreed.

c. PAWS are going out this week. We have 4,000 paws and hope that we could sell them all at $1 each.


6. Other Issues

a. Bonnie mentioned that we should re-elect officers and be thinking about recruiting other members

b. Donated van disposition. Carrie made a motion that the van be disposed of through public auction. Irene seconded the resolution. Unanimously approved.

c. Carrie brought up suggestion about making high level budget public and explaining gap in revenue of the shelter. Board agreed that this could be very helpful.

7. Amber motioned to adjourn meeting at 6:03 p.m.; Linda seconded. Unanimously approved.

Minutes respectfully submitted by Carrie Tuttle; filling in for Lucille – Secretary.

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