Animal Protection Coalition Minutes 5/25/10

Meeting Minutes 5/25/10

1) Attendees

Judy Boyer, Paul Boyer, Mary Rain, Jackie Pinover, Tony Beane, Nicole Duvé, Bart Tuttle, Carrie Tuttle, Kevin Wells

Several committee members mentioned that Tuesdays would not work well for them throughout the summer months. After veterinarian meeting on 6/22, alternate meeting days will be discussed.

2) Reviewed draft letter to veterinarians that work in St. Lawrence County. Attendees provided feedback and selected June 22, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. at 17 Commerce Lane (Canton Jail) for the next meeting.

3) Reviewed revised process flow. No further action needed on this item.

4) Reviewed action items from 4/27/10 minutes.

Updates follow:


a) Kevin Wells will provide a list of agencies/contacts that SLC residents can use to report abuse; PHS will post on their website; Sheriff Tipmail shortcut will be added to this list.

STATUS: awaiting completion

b) Mary Rain will provide a list of questions that people need to be prepared to answer when they file a complaint.

STATUS: awaiting completion

c) Francine Paretta will develop public service announcements through various media (newspaper, radio, etc.) once the website is complete.

STATUS: Waiting on completion of other items

d) DA will research reporting requirements for large and small animals among vets.

STATUS: Complete; DA met with Jeff Eyre from ASPCA and understanding of reporting requirements for large and small animals has been clarified.

e) C. Tuttle will develop a list of contacts for SLC vets.

STATUS: Complete and posted on

f) Vets will be invited to meet with committee to address several issues: 1) identify list of vets willing to be available for consultation for cruelty cases; 2) educate about small animal reporting requirements; 3) develop alternatives for addressing large animal cruelty. Vet continuity is important on case. Once they get involved need to remain involved through prosecution/trial. Felony cases will require a vet’s statement and further support throughout the case as necessary, if the animal is not killed as a result of the abuse.

STATUS: Complete; meeting scheduled for 6/22 at 7 p.m.

g) DA will develop a release of liability form for vets that property owners would sign when conducting a search.

STATUS: Awaiting completion

h) Mary Rain will develop and coordinate general training for law enforcement officers, specialized training for select officers so we have “subject matter experts”, and training for judges. Training will include overview of laws, specific SLC requirements, and where to get help (i.e., info posted on PHS website). N. Duvé mentioned that Jeff Eyre from ASPCA would be willing to talk to group. Stacy Wolf is also a resource for training. Training should include educating officers to go back to original complaints and notify people of status – it’s important for the public to know that their complaint was looked info. If law enforcement can’t move forward then the complainant will know so they can continue to observe and notify law enforcement if additional evidence becomes available.

STATUS: Waiting on completion of other items

i) DA will develop a rubric of skills resources she needs to assist in animal cruelty cases.

STATUS: Complete; decided rubric wasn’t necessary with Vet list and Animal Cruelty Contact list.

j) Peggy Cambridge has a list of people willing to temporarily house certain animals during cruelty cases.

STATUS: Awaiting completion

k) DA will research bonding process and educate affected agencies so bonding may be utilized in the future when animals are seized.

STATUS: N. Duvé spoke with several other county agencies and the ASPCA regarding this issue. Other counties didn’t have a lot to offer; waiting on issue to be clarified.

5) Next Meeting

– June 22nd at 7:00 p.m. at the Canton Jail Conference room, 17 Commerce Lane, Canton, NY.

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