This October, during Adopt A Shelter Dog Month, the Potsdam Humane Society will be participating in the ASPCA national Find Your Fido Campaign to raise awareness about homeless animals and help find safe, loving homes for dogs in the community.
The ASPCA estimates that approximately 3.3 million dogs enter U.S. animal shelters every year, where they sit waiting to be adopted into a loving home. The ASPCA #FindYourFido campaign is designated to expand the digital exposure for animals in shelters across the country and raise awareness about the many benefits of adopting a pet! During the month of October, Fido- a cardboard cutout ambassador for adoptable dogs will be crisscrossing the country to illustrate how easy it is to picture a shelter pet in your daily life and encourage animal adoption.
PHS would love to invite your team, club, group, etc. to help us spread the word and to post a photo of your group with our FIDO! For more information, please contact the shelter (315) 265-3199 or moc.sppasyawduolc.3718793-407306-sserpdrow. @retlehs